Will Arcade Paradise VR Be Your Next Quest Must-Buy? ARCADE PARADISE VR GAMEPLAY – Ian’s VR Corner

Will Arcade Paradise VR Be Your Next Quest Must-Buy? ARCADE PARADISE VR GAMEPLAY - Ian's VR Corner

Arcade Paradise VR gameplay is due out this Spring and Ian Higton has been given the opportunity to check the game out ahead of time in this Arcade Paradise VR Quest gameplay preview! Watch Ian pick up litter, wash and dry clothes and clean big brown smears off of the inside of toilets as he works towards building his very own dream video game arcade in this ARCADE PARADISE VR QUEST 3 GAMEPLAY PREVIEW!

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Oh my gosh that is Gnarly that’s pretty gross in the flat Screen version but honestly doing this In VR and seeing these little nuggets Right up in your face is well Brutal greetings friends and welcome to This week’s episode of Ian’s VR Corner In which you find me transported back to The magical year of 1993 as I dive into arcade Paradise in VR now if you’re not aware of what Arcade Paradise is this game actually Released in flat sometime last year an Arcade Paradise tells the story of a Young person who is running a rundown Lawn Dr for their father uh and then They decide to behind the scenes turn it Into a very successful arcade when it First came out I streamed it and I said It would be a wonderful game to play in VR and lo and behold the people from Nose bed interactive must have been Listening to me because now I have a Preview version of the game which Doesn’t have a release date yet glued to My face and I’m going to be trying it Out for you right now all right here I Am standing outside of the king gash Laundramat in the world of arcade Paradise VR this is a LR I visited in Flat for a fair few hours but now I’m Finally here standing by the bus stop at The side of the road ready for my first Day on the

Job the x69 to Newcastle that’s a good Bus wait the x73 that’s the one I needed To get home with that’s been Discontinued what oh yeah here we go so This is my first time seeing the LA Dre Portion of arcade Paradise in VR and it Looks great on the quest 3 highly Detailed Graphics nice shiny textures uh You know it’s only a small space to hang Out in but I expect that means that They’ve been able to put a little bit More polish into the visuals and yeah Looks great running native on the quest 3 anyway I need to learn how to do Washing so let’s load the washer by Turning it on hi baby you’re looking Really sexy today look at that Sheen oh Wait I think Uh I think it meant something else here Oh I don’t remember having to change the Color dial in the uh in the flat version I wonder if that’s new for VR there are A few new arcade cabinets like six I Think new arcade cabinets for VR and Some of the older arcade cabinets have Been you know made to work more Immersively in VR but um yeah in terms Of Washing it’s fairly simple there we go Okay there’s 4 minutes on that wash so While that’s washing I need to go and Try and pick up some trash throw the Trash to put it in your trash bag oh Okay nice all right that’s that’s a nice

Mechanic feels like I’m making things More messy but actually I’ve got like a A vacuum cleaner on my or Something because I’m sucking this stuff Up as I throw it onto the floor so as I Mentioned earlier this game is a Management style Sim but with lots of Cool little mini games in there to make Things a little bit more more Interesting than their real world Mundane tasks might be for Instance I need to uh throw the trash in The dumpster Here if I stand in rank s can I get the Trash in the dumpster first throw No there we go Bodacious rank s that got Me $30 nice all right the clothes are done So next up I need to collect the clothes And put them in the basket nice and Easy you got a bit of teleport grab here So all good and uh I think I need to put These in a dryer now do I here we go y There’s a dryer over here so let’s put That down and throw them in there we go Customers use the colored baskets to Pick delicate cupboard dry or Ultra dry So make sure to select the right setting Right so this BL basket not To okay my watch is telling me that the Toilet is block So um I guess we’re going to have to do That job press a to clean the toilet oh That is round one those are some

Incredibly harsh smears there someone Really went to town on this Toilet is it clean Yet feels that that should be clean There we go once the clothes are dry Take them out and place them ready for The customer to collect I’m a vampire I’ve got a reflection clothes are dry Let’s take them Out and pop them here there we go rank s Laundry nice well I’ve made $172 so far just by throwing out some Trash and cleaning a toilet you know What I think this job pays pretty well Oh go into the office and turn on the PC But there’s video games in here I’ll do Some office work First hey super nerd your first Air’s Manager we had the patronizing speech From Dad yet so in terms of interacting With the computer it seems to just be a Case of pressing the a button would have Been quite cool to have moved the mouse Around But they’ve simplified this quite a bit I need to collect cash from The Hoppers On the arcade cabinets there’s $96 in There there we go oh I hold down the Grab button and it ejects out Satisfactory like nice I wish I could do That with real cash $18 yeah you’re definitely making more Money from the arcade machines than the Laundromat here Dad now obviously one of

The biggest and coolest things about Arcade Paradise VR in my humble opinion Was the fact that you can build an Arcade of your dreams here you can Extend the building you can get more and More arcade cabinets as you go and the Best thing about the arcade cabinets Is you can actually play them now this Arcade cabinet here isn’t fully Immersive some of them are but this one This kind of version of it’s it like a Cross between GTA and Pac-Man oop busted I’m Running Oh God there’s load of cops after me This is actually played via thumbstick Only I got a Tank there you go let’s run these cops Over Ha that was racer Chaser simple simple to control there Just one thumb stick let’s try out wood Gal’s Adventure okay here’s wood gal again we Are just playing with the controllers Thumb sticks right now and buttons hey Wood Gal this is a match three Style Game nice and easy to Control so what about this arcade Cabinet here this one okay again this is Using the controller thumb sticks to Move oh Gosh

Oh man that red one is an aggressive Pucka look at it what are you doing Red get Pucked yeah sucker okay listen let’s get Back to work I need to deposit stuff in The safe so here the safe is kind of Like A it’s own little mini game 7 3 10 there you go Nice all the money is going in the Safe and I can spend it on whatever I Want maybe perhaps chat message okay That’s on the computer I love the old School uh PC screen saver there open up Arcade Mania and buy your first arcade Cabinet yes let’s do It okay so there are a lot of sold out Arcade cabs here but I can buy stack Overflow strike gold now I don’t think Either of these have fully immersive VR Controls in them but I do remember Loving to play strike gold when I played This in flat so I’m going to buy it I’m Going to confirm it and that’ll be Delivered tomorrow yes tomorrow morning All Right okay well I guess I’ll tidy up in Here doesn’t seem to be too much else to Do on my first day on the job there’s Some gum here winner oh I’ve got a full trash bag now so I can Go throw that out for some extra cash And we do have some washing here that Needs to be done so let’s probably oh

Drop it on the Floor let’s get this going so this is Whites only so I need to dial on white Need to close that I need to start it Washing we got a pink basket here with Some colorss in ouch punching the table Let’s get that in close that and we want I’m mixed and wash and this is Dark So ow punch my table again let’s go There there dark and wash oh God there’s Loads of why are we so Busy okay I I can dual wield the washing [Music] Everyone that’s white wash Come on it’s all about Speed nextx Wash and oh Christ okay again I’m dual wielding now I just got to wait until the time ticks Down on these that one’s got 5 Seconds 3 Seconds Done okay let’s get the washing In and stick it in a Dryer Come On I can hear my watch beeping which Means what’s that a blue one Ultra Dry which means another one is finished Washing here we Go oh God I’m dropping them on the floor You don’t want to drop the clean washing On the floor peeps that’s the Black stuff that’s Colors Let’s go here

And open and open so we Want those in there that’s pink delicate We dry the delicate this is in a a Green Basket so that is cupboard Dry let’s go in feels like it’s a busier Laundrette than the flat screen version I played I don’t know how I’m going to Get all of these done so where am I Putting these when they’re done Here okay laundry complete rank C that’s Okay that’s stuck on Ah there we go I don’t think that Affected my Rank okay Next Dark mixed It’s 11:00 p.m. the business will no Longer generate cash after closing time Oh Well I’ll just leave then if you stay Late after closing time you may pass out All right well whoever’s pants those are Unlucky I’m going Home it’s time to catch my Bus night Night oh son it’s my new arcade Cabinet how the hell am I going to carry That in there by myself Absolutely break my Back o I would like to put my new arcade Machine I guess right Here that’s gone okay that’s nice didn’t Have to move it by myself at all I’ve

Saved my spine Wonderful okay we’ve already got laundry Coming in and this Stuff is Wet needs to be dried I mean that’s been Left in the washing machine overnight so It’s going to be kind of stinky I expect That’s what you get for bringing your Laundry in super late respect my time And I’ll respect your laundry mother Flippers pink is Delicate I know it’s just keeps coming How am I supposed to play on my new Arcade machine and tidy things up I’m Going to need more Than two pairs of hands all right nice And quick oh maybe an overarm Throw it technically went next door oh I Got a rank C for let’s continue picking Up some Trash uh what is this is this trash this Is penetrated the friendly alien oh my Gosh now we know what he does with his Red finger huh Cy if you’ve got a real Life laundr you can go to play this room Scale VR that would be the most Immersive way you could play this game I’d Say there we go now I’m sorry you lot But I’m going to play it wait is that Rubbish that is Trash I’m going to go and play some Arcade games but first I need to cuz my

Trash bag Full there we go I got it it stuck on The sign so the game itself plays fairly Well I do notice um a few frame rate Stutters here and there okay Occasionally trash bag is full God damn It when will I get to play the arcade [Music] Games Y God damn It y Amazing that amazing right I want to Play strike gold sod Work I’m going to strike some Gold so we just need to go in Mine away everything not get [Music] Squished get myself some Gold before my oxygen runs out we’ll go This way we get this gold there we Go oh No oh holy thought for sure I was dead then Going deeper Underground JK from Dru once Sung oh and I I died of Asphixiation now I wonder if I can buy Upgrades with the gold I’ve got so no I’ve only got three gold now but I Played this quite a lot I managed to Unlock a bunch of the uh the upgrades so Um these games they do kind of remember Your progress so it’s like full of of Little extra mini games with a fair bit

Of depth to Them yeah sometimes when I pick things Up the game freezes a little bit um only For a few frames though I said at the Start of this video I hope this is a Preview build says they pre-release Build so not final quality but you get An Idea of the game play Within seems like A perfect little um Quest three going to Be honest on the same kind of level as Power wash simulator not too taxing on The old brain probably a little bit more Stressful than power wash simulator to Be fair but you know at the same Time it does scratch that kind of Keeping things tidy itch let’s deposit Some more cash oh look I’ve I can Deposit $900 in Here so let’s do that And then if I head back to my computer There you go $1,000 there I’m going to Buy a new arcade cabinet stack Overflow Buy now confirm confirm that’s been Ordered that’ll arrive tomorrow as well So what’s that rank s h now I’m Wondering maybe the game playay Mechanics have changed Slightly to the flat version instead of Of it being a Race Against Time I think What they’ve done is replaced the timing Mechanics with accuracy of your wash Loads so getting the right washing on The right

Setting drying up on the right Setting seems to be what gives you the S Rank rather than the time limit from the Flat one which I think makes more sense Not 9:00 it’s almost Closing Time closing Time sometimes when I dual wield laundry The game hitches a Bit as Well but nothing Terrible that would interfere with your Enjoyment I don’t Think your enjoyment of doing there you Go that seat’s hitching a bit There Yeah just getting sranks on those even Though I left them for ages so it’s Definitely more to do With accuracy of what settings you’ve Put your your washing on than timing Which is good I guess it means I I can Rush less if I want although you know we Want to try and make as much money as Possible for dear old Papa I mean the Arcade I mean Papa I mean the arcade I Obviously mean the Arcade oh wait is that one in the afternoon That’s one in the Morning am I working Overtime I think I I think I just worked A load of overtime there uh let’s go Home it’s new arcade machine time Time C you believe it stack

Overflow well we’re going to put it There well it’s day three and someone Wants to talk to me there’s clothes Waiting in the dryer somehow overnight Someone’s coming out of McDonald’s party Now I got $500 in the bank at the Moment and everything is sold out so far I’ve run out of space for arcade Cabinets can’t move any of the cabinets Into the main laundry he’s no well what Can I do perhaps I can Expand I could knock down the wall to The storage closet okay so for $11,000 which I don’t currently have I Can upgrade my store Room so I guess first Up okay trash bag’s Full let’s do some cleaning First I can Get $30 h it’s not the best amount of Cash to be honest but it all adds up uh Oh Christ two one Okay this is what my life has become has It cleaning stains off virtual Toilets so immersive so Smelly subjugated assistant subjugated That $74 for cleaning up that poo though I’ve been PID need less for cleaning poo Let’s put it that way Whoop winner we go I think you have to Find the right direction to pull that Chewing gum off from I got the cash Remember not a word about what the Extensions really for Dad would kill

Me okay so shop fitter order now Confirm here we go store room conversion So I Presume we just have to wait until Tomorrow oh little bit of downtime maybe I can uh play my new arcade cabinet Stack Overflow all right so again it is Thumbstick Controls this game is all about sorting Out the stacks of Boxes into the right Configurations before the time runs Out there we go clocking off time Elite Stacking skills nice it’s very cool Playing these arcade cabs in VR seeing like the reflections of the Light on the screen you got the kind of Faux scan lines and things in the Interest of seeing what this game has to Offer in preview because I have a Limited time to record and edit this I Am uh going to do these rounds of Washing and then clock off early so I Can check out the extension oh I dropped All that white washing on the floor That’s definitely going to leave a Stain the knob nearly fell off then That’s what you get for not washing it Properly huge book sale I’d rather just Read a normal sized book to be honest With you otherwise my arms will get Really tired all right well all I’ve got To do is take the clean washing out of

That one now put it on the table but Before I do that I’ll just show you that You do have a little iPad here as well That you can bring up and in It there’s also another little mini game In Here a hard one but it’s an endless Running game about a Llama all you have to do is tap the Screen and avoid the Obstacles Anyway Laundry done just before 11 so I’m Getting the rock out of here for the day Uh yeah we got some excellent 90 style Arcade stroke bowling alley carpeting in Here we’ve got all our arcade machines Lined up ready to be played by the Customers we’ve got posters of other Nose bleed interactive games I think uh Definitely vck is let’s check out how Much I need to buy a new arcade game With so we got a jukebox zombat 2 future Home enter reality UFO assault oh and Blockchain so UFO assault has fully Immersive VR controls but future home Enter Reality is um one of the ones that is Exclusive to this VR version of arcade Paradise so before I end this little Preview I think I’m going to have to try And at least unlock this one so I can Play some proper VR Stuff the toilet needs

Cleaning oh my gosh that is Gnarly that’s pretty gross in the flat Screen version but honestly doing this In VR and seeing these little Pebble Dashy nuggets in right up in your Face is well Brutal well it’s nearly 11 I’ve had a Successful day’s worth of doing lots of Laundry I’ve managed to make Myself almost $800 so let’s go and deposit this in the Safe and then go and uh see if I can Afford a brand new arcade machine I can AFF UFO Assault can’t quite oh wait can I 1,4 I Can 1,432 magical right let’s buy that Now Confirm and Then head off end the Day after I’ve got some money out these Machines in the morning there should be At a test out fully fledged virtual Reality machine in my wife Wonderful arcade there’s a few bits of Laundry left in the washing machines but I don’t I don’t earn cash after 11 so I’m goners going to have to have you Wasing in the morning suckers Bye to toot VR delivery look at that Massive Box yeah I remember using those kind of Things in the ’90s Felt so futuristic right well I can put It in any of these spaces I think I’ll

Put put it up here what should I put it Here oh wait I think ah it’s got to be In these big slots here I’ll put it up Against the wall in the corner There here’s my new VR machine let’s Step in and give it a go oh I have to Actually put the helmet On wait has this thing activated some Kind of mixed reality mode in my Incredibly untidy office that’s a coffee Mug there you don’t want to see that you That’s a pen oh Christ there’s builds There there’s my laptop oh uh okay I didn’t expect this I I um all right I Can scroll through all the arcade cabs That I have I can grab it and I Can place it actually in my real world Space and then hiya it’s my recording Setup uh I can Actually play this Game In that’s actually awesome like if you Think about It now I’ve unlocked this cabinet if I Had a nice big Room that wasn’t really untidy that I Was a shamed to show Off I could build my own arcade Paradise in mixed reality and just walk Around free roam and play all these Games I know I’m fine but that’s a very Cool that is an actual a very cool Mechanic I just wish I had a room bigger Than a corner yeah I can I can put these

Arcade cabinets anywhere I Want there’s another one now just Clipping through my desk crazy okay so That is definitely not what I was Expecting but it’s very cool Nonetheless man I’m going to have to Edit out so much Laundry cuz you’re not going to want to See me doing this for an hour Okay $700 in my hand or my watch that is More than enough I think to buy one of The other VR compatible arcade cabinets So let’s go do that right Now there it Is UFO Ass but what about UFO Pepper let’s go There so let’s see how this works UFO Assault Huh ah okay a very simple interactive Mechanic here literally just booping a Button moving on and trying to destroy These skyscrapers I presume before I fly into Them like I’m about to do Now Whoops I definitely got a better Score than before but I think I’m dead Now yeah here we go and Crash oh dear Wrecked well there we go that was a uh Little preview of the first 2 hours of Arcade Paradise VR and uh I got to say

I’m really enjoying it there’s a few um Rough edges here and there in terms of Frame rates and things you know hitching When I pick up a couple of uh laundry Baskets at the same time but you know This is a pre-release build so this Could get ironed out I feel like a few People are going to be disappointed with The lack of proper interactivity with The arcade machines even this UFO Assault one uh really boiled down to one Button press sadly I haven’t got time to Try out any other cabinets but um I Presume they will all still have fairly Simplistic um VR controls to them in Terms of the laundr business fairly Repetitive but it is quite easy to make Money so um unlocking arcade cabinets And expanding your video game hul Shouldn’t be too much Trouble uh and I’ve got to say I do love The mix reality machine here that I Unlocked it is very fun to be able to Place arcade machines in my actual real World you know living space and then Play on them I I did enjoy that a lot And according to this fact sheet I’m Looking at here right now uh there are Other fully immersive VR games to buy Including a punching game there is like A basketball throwing game there’s it Looks like there’s uh it’s called smash Him so maybe it’s like a you know a Whacka kind of

Thing there’s one of those fortune tell Machines that’s from the movie Big there’s a table football oh there’s A light gun shooter game that would be Fun to do there’s a dance game there’s An air hockey game so plenty of other Immersive VR games to work towards and Of course lots of other arcade games That you by slowly as you go Unfortunately I’d probably have to play For another two hours or so to unlock Any of the other fully immersive VR Arcade cabinets and I just don’t have Time because I got to edit this before The end of the week and uh I’ve Got what two hours and 10 minutes worth Of gaml to go through so I’m not going To do that now but I am going to do is Leave you with other VR Corner videos to Watch they’re on screen and clickable Right now don’t forget to like this Video If you enjoyed it subscribe to Euro gamer for all most daily videos About video games and Ian VI Corner Episodes every Sunday and keep an eye Out for arcade Paradise VR you can join Their socials and stuff if you want to Find out when this game is Releasing Bye

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