We’ve Played No Man’s Sky on Nintendo Switch – Is It Any Good?

We've Played No Man's Sky on Nintendo Switch - Is It Any Good?

We’ve Played No Man’s Sky on Nintendo Switch – Is It Any Good?

Hello there lovely people it’s Alex from Nintendo live here and yes as the title Suggests I’ve only been played no man’s Sky Specifically on switch that’s that’s the Important thing yes hello games invited Me down to their offices to have a go at The game on switch and I only blinking Did it now and I’m gonna tell you what I Think although as it seems to be a bit Of a trend with the many previews I’m Doing uh at the moment sadly I wasn’t Able to capture but they have provided Me with b-roll which you’re going to be Looking at with your lovely eyes but Anyway that’s more than enough waffling Let’s Dive Right into things Right so I’m presuming this video is Going to be a little bit shorter than The usual previews that we do because or I mean I don’t know I haven’t I’m still Recording it but I don’t actually have An awful lot to say about my time of the Game I didn’t get to play it for a huge Amount of time and with a game like no Man’s Sky you know it’s really kind of You know it’s it’s a difficult one to Sit down and get like an idea of the Game in any reasonably short amount of Time it really is Hours long and they didn’t have time I Didn’t have time I’m going on holiday But the fact that I don’t have a lot to Say I would argue is entirely a good

Thing because It’s not like this is like a small Little mini version you know and it’s Not no man’s Sky it’s someone’s Sky now It’s not like that It’s it’s the same no man’s Sky that’s On so many other bloody platforms like So if you want to learn more about the Game in terms of like gameplay and stuff Like that You can just go on to any review for any Other platform and ignore performance Things obviously because it’s running on A switch but you want to learn more About the game you can just go and do That there’s nothing you know sort of Significant there’s been straight back Here it’s the same blinking thing no Multiplayer unfortunately but uh who Knows about the future and I’m not Saying that because I know anything I Genuinely don’t I did ask I don’t want To go surprise to say should we expect It but do you envision multiplayer Coming to the switch version as well so It’s an interesting thing right I’m not Going to go into super fine detail about The interview that I did have with Sean Murray which was thoroughly interesting But he did say that at one point they Were considering creating like a kind of Like a different version for switch you Know sort of sort of trimming things off And making essentially like a different

Universe there was perhaps a little bit More lightweight overall in terms of uh In terms of actually creating it and uh I’ve forgotten the words generation jet Gen generation but as the months went by They were able to just get the whole Blinking thing on there and that’s what We’ve got the uh the upcoming 4.0 update That is coming you know like hand in Hand with the switch version and It’s all there so it’s all there that’s All well and good Alex but how’s it Going to run on something that looks Like this well I’m still kind of gobsmacked by it to be Honest I I’ve seen plenty of other quote Unquote impossible ports on the switch Throughout the many years that I’ve been Doing this and you know things like doom And you know sort of uh other games but A lot of switch ports that have really Excelled have kind of had the switch in Mind at least partially throughout you Know the creation process you have Exceptions with things like The Witcher 3 but The Witcher 3 whilst it is Incredible that it runs on the switch it Is a little bit rough around the edges You know visually now I think it’s safe To say considering uh no man’s sky has Been in development longer than the Switch has even been a thing uh yeah the Switch was not in mind with this so how The hell they did I know they did things

Like they did engine tweaks and things Like that and they’ve been doing it for All versions all over to try and make it The game Run as well as it can and the End result on switch is a little bit It’s just a little bit breathtaking Now it is 30 frames a second and it’s Not running at the maximum resolution And everything but it’s It’s the whole no man’s Sky running on This when playing the game into I Suppose I’ll give you a bit more context As to what bits I played uh they had a Number of different switch units Available and uh they did sort of sort Of pass me different units and put them Up on the screen and everything like That just because it’s such a big game It’s easier to have sort of like preset Locations and then hey have a go with This bit which was a bit weird but it Makes sense and I could see where They’ve been making little adjustments Here and there little tweaks and little Sort of like clever uses of lighting Like I thought to myself okay well I’m Gonna assume that in like the the space Stations I’ve forgotten what they’re Called can you tell I played it for the First time for about four hours The day that it was announced on the Nintendo Direct and I mean I played it Before that happened but there’s big Space stations where you go in and I I

Sort of went in and you know after I’d Seen the Traders and stuff like that I Was thinking well I’m sure they’ve been Cutting Corners things like there’s Going to be baked in lighting and you Know little bits and Bobs like that and Uh uh No the lighting is completely there and It the game looks absolutely gorgeous it Really really does they actually had um The Xbox One version like a base Xbox One version running at the same time and Um I did say because I saw the light was On I was just like if it’s plugged in And everything and if it’s not too much Trouble could I just sort of see just Very quick comparison between the two And they sort of went oh well you know You know we don’t want to sort of do Direct comparison it’s like oh that’s Fine I just want to have a look and Everything and Like it’s Obviously it’s not as visually Impressive as the Xbox One version but Like the the differences I ha I I like Looked at it high resolution yeah not Like out of this world still but high Resolution and I had to look carefully Even though I was looking at the pretty Much the same scene because thankfully It happened to be in a space station They were able to just set it up and I Was just looking and I was just sort of

Going yeah yeah oh yeah yeah yeah I can See what’s different there but the fact That I had to look for that gives you an Idea of just what they’ve managed to do Here you can certain things like um There’s certainly things like uh I think It’s sort of fog and Mist you can see Sort of like on the edges Um around ships and things like that There’s kind of like a you can see some Sort of uh some staring what’s it called Jaggies you can see some jaggies where The effect is being I suppose curled out Or something you can tell I’m not a Games developer and there’s no doubt Things like fewer particle effects and Things like that you know little things Little tweaks here and there that you Know sort of are very nice to have but Realistically when you’re running on Something that consumes six Watts you’ve Got to be pretty brutal and I’m I’m still I’m I’m still kind of Reading I’m really Keen to get my hands On it for a really long deep session Because to be brutally honest with you I Think I’m gonna forget that it’s that It’s running on something as weak as the Switch it’s It’s ludicrously impressive now it does Have to be saying I make this clear on My CV I’m not a digital Foundry so There’s no doubt lots of little things Here and there that have been Stripped

Away but I’m kind of looking at it from I suppose a consumer’s point of view but Kind of you know a consumer with a key Digital eye you know a keen eye for Detail I know I can see the difference Between 720p 1080P 900p and you know I I Can tell the difference between 30 FPS And 60fps which some people Still can’t and that baffles me and when Playing I saw the odd drop frame here or There but realistically it was kind of Like the odd frame here or there and I Went into ship Interiors they were Talking about Freighters and things like That and how you can build bases within A freighter I did a bit of Base building That’s an area where I noticed you know Some frame drops as it was building on It and then it you know and then I Carried on with my life but this is a Game that for a long long time sort of Early years ago I don’t know what it’s Like now but for a long time it was kind Of notorious for being a bit of a Resource hog you know sort of it ran on Computers and it ran it ran okay but you Know not as well as other games on the Platform so you’ve got this game that’s Notoriously difficult to run you put it On the switch you’ve you you’re only Getting like significant frame drops When you’re doing something like Building and it’s over in a second and a Half I I don’t see how that’s not

Impressive I tried I kept my cool when I Was there pre viewing it and do you know The absolute the absolute Pinnacle of a Whole thing was it was the first time I Saw it and that’s because it’s Why I’ve got it out it’s when it was Running on a switch light And you know you know it looks lovely on The OLED screen as well you know the Colors are much more vibrant they pop And everything but I think there was Just something about seeing no man’s Sky Running as well as it does on a screen This small which you know when it comes To low resolutions a smaller screen Definitely helps let’s not kid ourselves And it just looked gorgeous I looked at It and I was just sort of like Oh God they weren’t lying in the Trailers and you know I I wasn’t Thinking that they were actually lying In the trailers and the gameplay that They have shown but maybe that they were Being Um selective with the clips that they Were that were being used and I did Mention that to them actually and they Said oh no we we actually specifically Chose areas that are sort of notoriously Sort of resource heavy on other Platforms and stuff like that to kind of Show off no it’s the bee’s knees and Obviously not being Ultra familiar with The game I wasn’t aware of that but

Holy beans naturally the proof of the Pudding will be in the eating and having A really long session you know sort of Building massive bases you know really Pushing to see what the switch can Handle but right now if if you only have A switch and you’ve really wanted to get No man’s Sky There’s realistically considering what You would expect from a switch Port There’s currently no downside like if You’re into no man’s sky or I mean you Know sort of you just want to play on The go and you don’t happen to have a Steam deck Get it on the switch it’s just it’s all There and it runs really well like when You see when you see things like Ark Like Arc is I mean I know that is like The worst example of a switchboard but Even so you see things like Arc and you See then no man’s Sky side by side can We actually get a clip of that it just Boggles the mind and I think what I find Most enjoyable is that it’s essentially All about efficiency you know when you Say optimization but realistically when It comes to like Headroom and CPU Performance and GPU performance it’s Efficiency it’s being as efficient as Possible and I I don’t know whether it’s Just me I blinking love efficiency me I Like to do as little as little as Possible and get the most out of it that

Sounds bad I’m talking like I will cook Like a big sort of like big sort of six Portion uh thing of a meal and then uh There’s only two of us in the house so We’ll eat two portions and then freeze Four awesome so come Monday Monday’s our Freezer meal day we’ll get a bit of like Lasagna or something that I’ve made out Whack it in the microwave I get the same Meal again efficiency also when it comes To energy usage and stuff like that like I turn lights off like a beast if you’re Interested at all in no man’s Sky I Thoroughly recommend you look up some Reviews and you know see what other People are saying and stuff like that And if you are planning on getting the Switch version and you you get it and You sort of think oh well I think I Think it could really do with something Like this Tell Hello Games you know sort of tweet At them or something like that or use The comments down below here and say What you want in no man’s sky on the Switch because they said to me yesterday That that is you know they’re so Community Driven that’s their primary Resource and I I did notice and I’ve I’ve meant to mention this earlier but I Forgot there is unfortunately no gyro Aiming in the game and they said yeah Well you know we’re going to be Listening and things like that and I

Said mate mate you know on on Nintendolife.com the comments we get any Game that’s kind of first person or Third person has some sort of aiming There’s like 50 comments from people Saying does it have gyro does it have Gyro you know switch owners love gyro me Included so just saying if no man’s Sky Gets Gyro in the future You’re welcome and there you have it Those are my views on no man’s sky on The switch uh yeah it’s a lot more Technically focused this time but that That kind of really is the sort of the Crux of it you know if you want to learn More about no man’s Sky there are way Better resources than I can possibly Give with my well like five hours in the Game now total or something like that Including four hours on like the uh on Series X which Um well actually I suppose in terms of Previewing does count but it’s all about The port and it’s like what’s included In the switch version and how well does It run and as far as I can tell it’s It’s all there it’s the same universe It’s the same game minus multiplayer but You know as I said hello games are Always listening so comments thank you So much for watching if you like this Video then why don’t you just point a Laser of that subscribe button and you Know get some resource out of it it’s

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