The One Feature The Switch Desperately Needs
The switch has many different features It’s a hybrid console it has an infrared Camera gyro controls but i actually Think the switch could use this One specific feature and for that we Need to go back and look at one of the Previous handheld consoles The nintendo ds The nintendo ds was a revolution it had Two screens and took a lot of Inspiration from the game boy advance And you could even play game boy Advanced games on that system but it had A feature that all switch owners wish They had and that is Ds download play ds download play was Essentially that if you got together With a group of friends only one of you Had to have the game let’s take mario Kart for example you could get together 8 people and only one of those had to Have a cartridge But there was a small handicap you could Only play as shy guy and that was of Course to encourage people to go buy the Game so they could choose their own Characters and cards and i love the Approach they had to this you know of Course you can’t get the full experience Since you didn’t buy the game but Like almost the same if you’re fine with Playing with shy guy i mean this just Saves so much money for so many people Mario party is an even greater example
Because that basically has no Restrictions you just pop the game Cartridge in invite your friends and Then you select the game modes and That’s it no restrictions you can choose Whatever character you want to play you Can play on all the maps yeah it’s great And not only the ds but the nintendo 3ds Also had ds download play and the cool Thing is that the 3ds also supports ds Download play for Older games now i have a 2ds a 3ds and 2 Nintendo ds lites and that just means That when i have friends over i have Four sets of handhelds that we can use To play mario kart mario party and so on And it’s just lovely that they didn’t Just restrict the 3ds to 3ds download Play that you can actually go backwards I know the game was backwards compatible With the games but that doesn’t mean the Feature would also be so just Thank you but then going from the 3ds we Had the switch i mean we also had the Wii u but that’s not like a handheld Console and i just wish the switch had a Similar feature don’t we all so i just Thought that i would take this video to You know go and see which games could Benefit from this and how they could Even make this happen because the Biggest problem standing in our way Is that switch games are just much Bigger in comparison to ds games a
Normal switch game can be everything From a couple hundred megabytes to 10 20 30 gigabytes but mario kart ds for Example that’s under 20 megabytes i mean You can see why it was easy to just like Quickly transfer a small portion of the Game to other consoles and today would Just be maybe a bit of a struggle but When there is a will there is a way and I feel if nintendo really wanted this Feature they could make it happen the Switch Doesn’t have anything equivalent to ds Download play well it has two games that Uses this feature it has namco museum And it has 51 worldwide games or Clubhouse games so whatever the title is Of that game regarding where you are in The world so both of these games Actually did it a bit differently namco Museum made it so that when you go to The eshop and search for the game there Comes two versions up the free version Which is basically only pac-man versus And then you get the paid version which Is everything else but i mean here it Kind of makes sense because that’s the Only multiplayer game in the collection And the other games are more single Players it wouldn’t make sense if you Could download those for free but the Other game 51 worldwide games does it Well actually much more closely to what We have on the ds so the game has a demo
And that demo well normally it only Allows you to play around four Mini-games but if one of your friends Has the game you can actually join in And you can play all the games together And in this instance it just works Perfectly sure a lot of the games are Just on one screen but some games Actually only works if you have multiple Displays because games like texas hold Them you don’t want to be able to look At your opponent’s cards because that Would destroy the purpose of the game And i think this is actually the way to Go because just have a demo available For the games that you want this ds Download esque feature available imagine If mario kart 8 deluxe had a demo but You could only play that demo if a Person had the actual game and even then You could maybe only choose between shy Guys and you can even choose your own Color on that but just go very similarly To the ds i mean people say oh but the Games are too big to be ds download Played on the switch but with this demo Solution you basically overcome that Because yeah it might take some time to Download the game but that’s it then Your friends can join in for free and You can have a blast i just when i look Back at the ds i see so many games Utilize ds download play and it’s one of The most underrated features of that
System but what games on the switch Could really benefit for a switch Download play i think my best example is Maybe super smash bros ultimate now i Know it doesn’t really matter if you Play on the same screen and all that but Sometimes just being able to have the Whole switch for yourself instead of Being like multiple people crammed Around that little screen can be really Helpful normally you would have to use Local play but then each and every one Has to have the game and that game is 60 So What i think could be the solution here Is just have the original eight Characters available you know mario Donkey kong link samus yoshi kirby fox And pikachu and that way you can grab so Many people in by being able to play This game with your friends but you Would still be like ah why can’t i play The other characters and then you know a Lot of people would probably go and buy The game if they hadn’t already but For casual people like many people’s Friends who just don’t care if like They’re fine with these eight characters I just think it would be a good solution Other games that would be lovely with This feature are games like for example Splatoon splatoon could maybe have it so You have four different weapons to Choose from instead of the many many
Weapons you can play as in splatoon 2 And maybe they could even do it with Mario party where you could only play With two or three balls instead of the Full five boards please add more boards To superstars i beg your nintendo but You get the gist right just make more Games available and if it’s too much to Make them Totally available like they did with Mario party ds just put some Restrictions on it’s still Really nice to be able to just play some Games with your friends and not urging Them to buy the game if they don’t have The money or lust to pay 60 for a gamer They will only play one time with me you And you know everyone who wants their Friends to get in on the fun but what do You think is ds download play something To be seen in the future with a switch Switch download play or is it a thing of The past Let us know down in the comments below And while you’re down there also let us Know what games you really think could Utilize this download play on the switch And how nintendo could maybe make this Happen because you know i brought my Take on how they could do it but that Might be a horrible take so yeah that Was the one feature the switch Desperately needs if you like this video Why don’t you press that subscribe
Button and then maybe your friends can For free click it maybe a bit restricted Version of that subscribe button I don’t know how i’m going with this Stay safe get your friends together play Some ds games with that download play Feature Felix from nintendo live Out [Music] You