Shin chan: Summer Vacation Nintendo Switch Review – Is It Worth It?

Shin chan: Summer Vacation Nintendo Switch Review - Is It Worth It?

Shin chan: Summer Vacation Nintendo Switch Review – Is It Worth It?

Hello felix from nintendo live here and Today we’re here to review shinshan me And the professor on summer vacation the Endless seven day journey and this was a Game that was stuck in japan for over a Year but has finally been released here In the west so let’s just jump right Into it [Music] [Applause] [Music] If kuroshin and boku natsu a make sense B sounds appealing to you and if c you Haven’t already bought this game in the Years since it was released in japan Then we can keep this review nice and Tight Buy this game but for those residing in That mudder’s nub on the venn diagram Let’s see if you’re moved by the end of This review Let’s start with that making sense bit Kurdishin is the japanese shortened name For crayon shinchan a manga series and Anime sitcom about a two kids and a dark Japanese family focused on shinozuke or Shinshan the impish five-year-old that Spent his time infuriating his parents Causing arguments and making Butt dances Boku natsu meanwhile is short for boku No nazi asumi or my summer vacation if Translated a game series kicked off on The playstation in the 2000s about a boy

Whiling away a month of summer days in The japanese countrysides exploring Chasing bugs fishing having dinner and a Bath and generally letting his Imagination find adventure in a place With nothing really too thrilling to do While shinchan the endless seven-day Journey is not a boku natsu game it’s Developed by millennium kitchen creators Of the originals so this game and the Boko asumi series bear a lot of Similarities Okay what’s going on here shinshan and His somewhat madcap world has exploded Onto the scene in this little farming Village of kumamoto shinizuke finds Errands to run for pocket money and has Unfettered free time between meals to Explore the dusty roads and burden Riverbanks while the zika songs wheel Away around him When the nahora family first arrive at The kumamoto station they’re approached By a wacky professor who gives them a Special camera which shinozuke uses to Keep a scrapbook of his world stay you Don’t operate this camera as a player But all your key adventures and Discoveries including new fish and Insects you’ve caught are snapped and Added to this diary automatically This journal becomes a core structural Element in shinshan’s holiday story each Day you can choose to show your latest

Entries to the newspaper editor who Evaluates them for print delivering the Content for these articles becomes the Main progress point of the game at least At the start as boosting paper Subscriptions far enough will win Five-year-old shinshan ade with a Beautiful university student in turning At the paper as shinshan trademark Romantic aspiration The game’s action involves running Little shinshan around beautiful Hand-painted scenes presented as Staggering sweeping vistas intimate Family rooms dirty railway tracks and so On all connected by enticing paths Leading to imagined wonders just around The corner Simple button presses will gather Vegetables and herbs for the restaurant Where you’re staying Fish water crops swing your butterfly Net at critters and so on the feel is Generally good but with a couple of Slight flaws it can be nearly impossible To see for instance whether an insect is In front or behind shinshan from the Camera’s perspective This leads to a lot of fruitless Swinging of the net if this was a time Attack it would be maddening but since It’s a chilled out holiday for Preschooler we just did the extra Swishes and went on with our day

Another little pain point is that when You’re switching between fixed camera Angles as you move between scenes can Set you running in the wrong direction It’s the same problem that resident evil Had to deal with back in the day The endless 7-day vacation provides tank Controls on the d-pad meaning that if You hold down the b button and you run You just control with the d-pad and you Will always be running in the correct Direction but the controls here are a Bit awkward in practice we appreciated Having both analog movement and tank Controls at hand although that doesn’t Really feel like a neat and tidy Solution to the matter there’s also a Trade-off of playability in favor of Atmosphere where shinozuke is reduced to An ant-sized dot on the scenery viewed From farb in the air where lights of the Village make gorgeous constellations Host the sounds of flapping water and Insect life chopping around it’s a real Sight to be seen it is a touch fiddly to Walk around and locating plants insects And especially fish but again we’re not Under pressure here so prioritizing the Mesmerizing royal vibe is justified What we’ve yet to mention however is That there’s a surprise up the sleeve of The endless seven day journey having Said you’re going on this perfect Nothing to do fantasy holiday the game

Throws a curveball this being crayon Shinchan bizarre is absolutely on the Table and things go that way with the Return of the wacky professor a few days In without giving much away the ordinary Core escapism of boku no natsumi becomes The backdrop of an outlandish kitty Adventure the peaceful pace of low Pressure gameplay are absolutely Untouched but we found ourselves with a Much more concrete and focused plot than Before this is a clever turn for the Boko natsu concept and millennium Kitchen pulled it off exceptionally well The days are peaceful the sun shines Sets gloriously and there’s not a care In the world But there is also a mad scientist trying To take over the world it shouldn’t be Possible but it is Presentation wise the endless seven day Journey is Top class the painted backdrops are Oh they’re so beautiful but the Cel-shaded 3d models also deserves a Mention here shinshan is drawn in this Style that well almost looks impossible To make in 3d but it’s been pulled off By using multiple character models and Flipping between them as the position Changes relative to the camera The result is perfectly convincing and It feels like another little miracle Music and sound design generally meets

The same high standard a lot of the Music leaning more towards the anime Wackiness than the countryside chill the Latter covered by evocative nature Sounds The voice acting is great sounding just Like the cartoon it’s not fully voiced But there is quite a lot all in japanese Though apart from mixing together two Classic japanese ips shinshan the Endless seven day journey mashes Together some quite contradictory Concepts and comes up with something Truly special you have the directionless Simple adventures of a child’s curiosity On a royal holiday but they’re Interrupted quite suddenly by a tightly Directed and complete absurd plot so There is the soothing magic of endless Days running around fields and just Seeing what catches their imagination But also a heavy steer to play a story From end to end packaging the never Ending summer into a punchy and dynamic 15 to 20 hours Knowing now what karishin and boku natsu Are if you think you like the idea of Mixing these two this game is very easy To recommend We here at nintendo live give shinshan Me and the professor on summer vacation The endless seven day journey and eight Out of ten [Music]

Now i myself have spent countless hours In this game already and i don’t really Think you need to know about shinchan or Boku natsu asumi to enjoy this game sure It helps that you know these characters But i myself only watched a bit of Shinshan when i grew up don’t really Know much about it now and i really Really enjoyed this adventure another Thing is that you can only really save Once the day is over at least i couldn’t Find a way to save otherwise so keep That in mind when starting a new day as These can take up to 30 minutes to play To end and you wouldn’t want to just Play through the same thing again Well maybe you do i i won’t be the judge Here also shinshan is not the fastest Character to traverse these lands so the Game has very generously introduced a Run button only that this is also a run But I’m sorry so i don’t know what the People’s living in this village are Thinking when there’s just this ass Super sonicking across the lands it Feels really wonky to control but it is Really hilarious and just fits the vibe Of shinshan perfectly the newspaper Storyline as mentioned previously is Also not the only storyline this game Has lots of different characters and Plot points that i won’t spoil just know That there’s more than what catches the

Eye Dinosaurs don’t get me wrong i love this Game but i have a few nitpicks before we Round this up and one is that the humor Doesn’t always translate well I’m sure that the humor is splendid in The japanese but a lot of the jokes fall Short and i imagine this is because of The translation dialogue is also just Repeated a ton you have to button press So much to get very basic information Yeah it was just some tiny nitpicks Because otherwise this game is fabulous Oh this game was everything i hope to be It was one of my most anticipated games Of the year so i’m just very happy to Say that for me at least it lived up to The expectations the map starts off Small and it has clever ways to blocking Off paths like this dentist sign that Shinchan is too scared to go past it Really keeps it interesting to play each Day i feel like there’s something new to Do some days might be slow some days Might have more things to do but I never really felt bored and if i did i Just put the game down and when i came Back to it i was ready for another round It must be said that this game is Certainly not for everyone if you like Chill games like starry valley animal Crossing i think you will find a lot of Joy in this game although there isn’t Really a lot of customization it’s

Mostly just like collecting stuff and Just progressing through this cute Little story and It’s just a really nice change from all The action and big story lines and just Suddenly just having a story when you’re A five-year-old kid going around without A can the world i’ve really missed times Like that when i was a kid and it just Helps me relive stuff like that so yeah I definitely recommend this game to Everyone who’s looking for chill time It’s not a perfect game but it’s far far From a bad game i know the visuals was Touched upon in the review but i just Want to emphasize This is maybe one of the most gorgeous Games i’ve ever played like you just Walk into sceneries and the camera is Just placed beautiful to showcase these Hand-painted masteries sometimes i just Stop and look around and oh my god this Is This is outstanding and especially During golden hour at the end of the day Everything just goes to a whole other Level Well that was the review if you like This video why don’t you catch that Subscribe button even though it can be a Bit hard to see if it’s in front or Behind you and don’t forget to check out Our website for all Sorts of nintendo related content stay

Safe play some shinshan me and the Professor on summer vacation the endless Seven-day Journey felix from nintendo live Out That is probably the longest title of Any game i’ve ever reviewed [Music] I

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