Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes Nintendo Switch Review – Is It Worth it?

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes Nintendo Switch Review - Is It Worth it?

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes Nintendo Switch Review – Is It Worth it?

Hello everybody xeon over here from Nintendo life and today we’re here to Share with you our review of fire emblem Warriors three hopes on the nintendo Switch now this review was originally Written by pj o’reilly for nintendo but was reworked into this Video by me [Music] With the success of games like hyrule Warriors persona 5 strikers and of Course 2017’s fire emblem warriors on Nintendo switch it should come as no Surprise that omega force the developer Behind the long running warriors Franchise is intent on continuing to Serve up more dreamlike crossovers the First fire emblem warriors was a mostly Successful melding of the signature Series massive brawls and the Relationship building and strategy Elements that intelligent systems Tactical rpgs are best known for now Some five years later we’re being Treated to a follow-up that takes the Entire cast of the widely popular fire Emblem three houses and flings them Headfirst into hack and slash battle so Is this mostly more of the same well Yeah but this second stab at the formula Fixes the first game’s biggest flaw by Providing a twisting turning narrative That’s a huge improvement over the Serviceable but uninspired story

Delivered in 2017. kicking off in an Alternate version of the world of three Houses fire emblem warriors three hopes Sees you assume the role of a brand new Character just as they prepare to face Off against three houses protagonist Bileth which does get explained don’t Worry this opening battle sees you Suffer a humiliating defeat followed by A chance encounter with adolgar dimitri And claude that results in you being Given the chance to pick one of them as Your very first starter pokemon um i Mean you get to join one of their three Houses and set off on an all new Adventure it’s in this choice of houses That the game’s narrative aspects seem Most of their improvements whether you Decide to run with the black eagles blue Lions or golden deer there’s a whole lot Of game to get into all the main Characters that fans will no doubt be Expecting to see get plenty of stage Time with pompously emotional politics Burgeoning relationships rivalries and More all play out over the course of a Robust campaign that should take you a Good 30 hours to see through And that’s just for only one potential Playthrough route the original fire Emblem warriors felt a little stale when It came to the story side of things but Here you’ve got a wide feast to get Invested in and it’s all backed up by a

Plethora of systems and activities that You’ll indulge in between battles which Allow you to spend lots of quality time With the members of whichever house You’ve sworn allegiance to you’ll even Get to wander off on private expeditions In order to improve relations with Whomever you fancy and in comparison to The famous tea time feature of three Houses these expeditions have expanded Your options slightly now giving you the Ability to choose an actual talking Point but don’t expect to take things Much further than that of course this is Still a warriors game and so all of These relationship focused aspects feed Directly back into the action at the Heart of everything with improved Relations leading to better performance On the field of battle now without Wanting to go into too much detail for The fear of spoiling the story for you We won’t speak much more on that side of Things here other than to say it goes to Some exciting and dramatic places and There’s plenty of surprise appearances Shocks broken alliances heel turns and All that tasty stuff thrown in for good Measure there are lots of juicy Narrative twists and turns for fire Emblem fans to be excited for and that’s All before we’ve even talked about the Great big battles if you’re coming to This one as a warriors fan you will not

Be disappointed either as omega force Has done a top-notch job not just Layering in lots of subtly fire Emblem-esque strategy elements but in Delivering an action-packed spectacle That runs impressively during its Biggest battles however though it’s Worth noting that we did notice a bit of Slowdown here and there while wandering Around your encampment in between Battles as was the case in the first Fire emblem warriors battles here Differentiate themselves from other Musso efforts by giving you the Opportunity to select and direct your Party of protagonists both before and During face-offs with some pretty Engaging real-time tactical fun a Pre-battle map lets you browse your Current roster of fighters and icons on The screen will change from blue to red And back as you go indicating whether or Not characters are a good matchup for The types of enemies you’re about to Square off against this all works into The game’s returning weapons triangle System where swords axes lances bows and So on have strengths and weaknesses over One another providing another nice Little layer of strategy Once you’ve selected your preferred team Setup you can dive into battle proper And get busy using all the usual flashy Combat arts and magic critical rush

Attacks powerful partner specials Awakening boosted frenzies and more to Tear your enemies to absolute shreds in Timeless musso fashion you can also Pause a fight at any point to Individually direct members of your team To seize specific strongholds go on All-out assaults against a particular Boss who’s just wandered into the fray Or defend some hapless individuals most Of what’s here in terms of the combat Side of things will be familiar to Anyone who’s played a musso game before But now there’s more in the way of Character specific skills and attacks That give the whole thing a nice shot of Variety leveling up and strengthening Your favorite characters feels far more Worthwhile too and on this note another Area in which fire emblem warriors 3 Hopes improves upon its predecessor is In how easily you can switch any Character’s class training your fighters Up in multiple disciplines or working on All of them if you fancy and switching Them around as you see fit this side of Things has been bolstered with more Levels to work through and the practice Of unlocking classes and branching off To specialize in each one is far more Straightforward this time around it all Makes for a game that feels slicker and Gives you more freedom to take your Favorite three houses characters and

Turn them into the warrior you want Whether that be a great big lumbering Armored knight a dual-wielding master of Swords or a wyvern riding axe fiend the Base camp makes a return this time Around as well and is bolstered by even More ways to strengthen relationships Improve weapons sell and buy goods Train cook run errands and chores pick Up rewards and expand all of your Facilities through multiple levels with More skill trees and stat heavy menus Than you can shake up killer lamps plus Four at there really are a lot of Distractions and moving parts to busy Yourself with and it makes for a game That strikes a fine balance between All-out musso action and the downtime Where you can soak in all that lovely Character-driven fire emblem goodness That we’ve come to love over the past Decade of course if you hate the thought Of spending time looking at numbers Choosing the right weapons and equipping All of the best gear between skirmishes You can choose to play the game in a Quick and efficient mode that dials back The pre and post battle stat crunching You can also press y to optimize your Roster equipment in the convoy area Before fights so there are plenty of Corners to be cut if you’re more of a Straight up fighter than a lover of prep Work speaking of game modes in keeping

With the spirit of fire emblem proper You can choose to play warriors 3 hopes In either casual or classic mode with Your most treasured characters either Returning to the freight after death or Being subjected to irreversible Perma-death depending on how you rock we Ran with permadeath engaged and had a Few tough losses along the way but there Are so many amazing characters here so Many additions to the lineup as the Story moves along that there’s always a Top-notch replacement just waiting Around the corner keeping permadeath Turned on really doesn’t fuse the whole Thing with a nice bit of tension you’ll Find yourself desperately rallying Around the battlefield to guard your Friends at points so we reckon this is The way to play if you’re looking for Maximum drama with great big Action-packed battles that see you Direct your squad around busy maps full Of cannon fodder foes and to fight Bosses that were plucked from fire Emblem 3 houses plus the ability to call In battalions of hired goons summon Support to your cause recruit defeated Enemy commanders into your ranks and More the action here is as frenetic and Strategically absorbing as it’s ever Been in a musso mixup of this kind take All of this slick hack and slash Battling and pair it with a much

Improved story lots of opportunity to Engage in relationship building leveling Up improving facilities forging cooking Training and more and you’ve got a Warriors game that’s really hard to find Any major fault with of course it’s not An entirely flawless endeavor by any Means and if we have to get negative the Balance between battles and downtime Early on up until around chapter 5 feels A little off with a lot of long Conversations that then flip into fights Which are just far too short and easy to Blast through but this imbalance sorts Itself out once the story really gets Going and if we’re being picky we could Also point a finger at the fact that the Game is still introducing brand new Mechanics over 10 hours into its Campaign which can get to be a bit much But with these small issues aside though We’d be hard pressed to find much else To complain about here fire emblem Warriors 3 hopes feels like a solid Improvement over its already quite Impressive predecessor it’s a game that Manages to strike a beautiful balance Between all the drama and strategy of Intelligent system series and the Non-stop hack and slash mayhem that Omega force is known for with good Performance in both docked and handheld Modes apart from a little bit of Noticeable down great use of hd rumble

To give attack some satisfying oomph and A lot of flashy specials and screen Shaky moments to pull off as you flatten Waves of foes at a time there’s so much Here that’ll have you keep coming back It’s an entertaining effort that fans of Fire emblem and the warriors franchise Will find plenty to enjoy We here at nintendo life give fire Emblem warriors three hopes on the Nintendo switch a 9 out of 10. If you’d like to check out our written Review you can find that along with more News and information on the fire emblem And the warriors series over at Feel free to let us know in the comments Down below if you’re picking up fire Emblem warriors three hopes for yourself And of course if you enjoyed this video And you want to see more videos like This then we hope that you’ll click that Subscribe button and then ring that Notification bell to be notified Whenever we put up a new video thank you All so much for watching and thank you To pj for taking the time to write this Review i’m xean from nintendo life stay Safe out there and we will see you all Next time [Music] You

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