
Every PS5 Exclusive Ranked. Which game is the best PS5 exclusive
Foreign Welcome back to push Square your number One destination for all kinds of video Content concerning PlayStation my name Is Aiden and to Mark the second birthday Of the PlayStation within the UK release Date because why not use any excuse to Talk about anniversary stuff I’ve Decided to finally take a critical eye To the PlayStation 5 exclusives that We’ve all experienced over the last Couple of years being a video being YouTube I’ve decided to rank these into A list but I know what you might be Thinking what constitutes a PlayStation 5 exclusive I had to think about this There are some rules that I have put in Place the major one being that A PS5 Exclusive has to have released Exclusively on the PlayStation 5 and That might seem super super obvious but That means no cross gen releases no Remasters and no cross-platform stuff What we have here is a list of games That launched on the PlayStation 5 now They might be available in other Platforms now but on release and for a Good little while they were only Playable on the PlayStation 5. I hope That all makes sense but that does mean That we have a list of seven titles to Get through today and I know some of you May be wondering what all of those are So let’s just get into my ranking of
Every PS5 exclusive so first up on the List we have destruction All Stars do Not lie to me and say that you entirely Remembered this game I couldn’t believe That it was one of the PS5 exclusives I Actually didn’t know that when until I Was looking up this list it’s a Completely fine car combat game I I Didn’t hate it I think it was a little Bland on release but the game has been Plugging away with all sorts of Post-launch content but I think just When it comes to what we know and love As a PlayStation exclusive Just didn’t really hit here it looks Nice it plays nice I I personally really Enjoyed the whole jumping out of a car Just as soon as it was about to explode And then slipping quickly into another One and straight back into the combat That was fun there was fun elements to It but I just don’t think the level of Quality was there I don’t think what we Looked for in PlayStation exclusives was There in this game so sorry to listed Games sorry to destruction All-Stars but It’s at number seven for me so number Six to go from destruction All-Stars to What is highly regarded as one of the Best games to ever bless PlayStation The Last of Us Part One remake now before we All go reigniting the Remake remaster Debacle let’s consider the fact that This is a from the ground up remake and
At the end of the day you aren’t getting Cut scenes that look this good you have Super smooth gameplay really well Implemented tactics and one of the Greatest stories to ever replace the Medium and this wasn’t just some slight Little upgrade from the PlayStation 4. This was a complete revamp it it plays Like a different game it looks like a Different game and that’s coming from Someone that has now played the last of Us through eight times I just completely Adored my time with this game it’s like Buying your favorite movie in 4k it just It just elevates new details new meaning Out of so many aspects of like your Favorite story your favorite game and I Mean those cutscenes as well just hit so Much harder I mean look look at their Eyes look at their eyes they look so Good and you feel the emotion you feel The the raw power of every scene and It’s the small little changes that They’ve made to the way that the camera Moves or or slight lines or or placement Of characters they all just elevates the Experience they’re saying that I Wouldn’t say it vastly revolutionizes The last of us experience it it’s not an Entirely different game and that is why I have reflected this by putting it on The lower end of the list it kind of Breaks my heart as a big The Last of Us Fan but this is a fantastic game made
All the better with the PlayStation 5. To moving on to number five and it find It quite funny that we went from Destruction old cells to the last of us To now death Loop another absolute Banger I think this was a 10 out of 10 For me I believe I rated it as such back And well before I joined this channel Anyway and this one is a bit of a it Hurts a little because this could quite Possibly I think it really does Mark What will be the last Arcane experience On PlayStation consoles after the Microsoft acquisition of Bethesda and Arcane so it does give you a sort of Bittersweet feeling now that you know That well of course it’s available on Other platforms and we won’t get Anything further if they decide to make A sequel to this game but I just really Think that this game was for the people That loved the intricately designed Levels of the likes of Dishonored Because with the time mechanic where You’re seeing the same area but Different times of the day changing Access routes and enemy patrols and Buildings are burned now and they Weren’t earlier and all of this it’s one Of those games that really invites you To completely immerse yourself in its World and study its levels in a way and I think the fact that I was really Tempted to take out a notepad during my
Playthrough is just so like indicative Of what made this experience good what How it drew Us in with its Central Mystery of like how do you break the Loop how do you kill all of these people At the same time now apparently why I Rated it a little bit further back is Because I think it does handle a little Too much towards the end but mostly Because it doesn’t really push the PlayStation 5 to the Limit it it looks Nice and it runs nice but I don’t think You look at this game and go oh yeah Next gen but just the fact that it does Engross you so much you have Juliana Blake and Colt van as some of the best Characters that we’ve had over the last Couple of generations just super fun to Invest yourself in and listen to their Back and forth picketing and a game that Makes you uh uh wisecracking gun toting Time detective like do I need to say More to really advertise this game and What how good a premise it has it’s Fantastic so moving on to number four And one that I genuinely did not think Would be rated this highly for me but in The whole process of trying to rank These I just couldn’t ignore it and that Was Astros playroom this is an easy one To write off it’s pretty short it was a Built-in technical Showcase of the Dual Sense controller in a lot of ways it’s Quite childish and cartoony the
Mechanics aren’t all that much but I Just couldn’t ignore it it gets so much Harder it’s a true love letter to the History of PlayStation so if you’ve been Around in the planes of PlayStation like A lot of us have seeing things like the Eight megabit memory card or the curvy Design of the PlayStation 3 with that Awesome 2007 Spider-Man phone Why did they go for that having this Little Digital Trip there Memory Lane Was such a fun experience seeing all of Your favorite characters iconic Characters and cutesy Recreations whilst Learning what the capabilities of the PlayStation 5 were it felt very Emblematic of what the PlayStation 5 was Trying to be and the kinds of Experiences we would get even towards The point of some of the games that Aren’t included in this list like your God of war or your horizon it’s trying To build a legacy of these new Characters whilst pain homage to the Ones that came before and I just I had Such a good time going through this it Just warms your heart now we’re on to The top three I bet some of you are Starting to get nervous about what these Could be but let’s wrap the Band-Aid off Number three Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart the ratchet Clank is one of those Games that I wasn’t going to buy I Wasn’t all that interested in I’m not a
Wretched Clank fan having never played Any of the other ones but in typical me Fashion everyone else started talking About how good it was and I couldn’t Help myself I had to see what it was all About and I’m so glad that I did it’s It’s just a super fun sort of Pixar Adventure a video game Pixar Adventurer And I don’t really see on a base level How you couldn’t enjoy that to go beyond That we have what is one of the most Technically impressive games on the PlayStation 5. the color is just popping Especially if you’re playing on an HDR Screen the visual Clarity is stunning It’s all the little details in the Background and then for the close-up cut Scenes the hairs on ratchet’s face or The shine on on Clank it just it looked Incredible it felt incredible as well When you were playing it it’s super Smooth gameplay and the haptics were Just really allowing you to feel the Difference of every one of the games Sort of cartoonish guns which went from Spark flinging shotguns to guns that Turned enemies into Hedges you could Feel the difference in all of them and The visual Clarity while you were Fighting with them was just top-notch Stuff and that level where you hit the Stone and it changes into the different Dimension is is a complete jaw dropper We’ve not actually had anything quite
Like that on the PS5 is one of those Grab you by the Scruff of your neck and Go do you know that this is next gen That’s how good that was so on to the Final two you may be theodizing as to What my selections are at this point but Let’s just get on with it number two is Demon souls for me demon souls to go From Ratchet and Clank saying I wasn’t a Huge fan of the series beforehand I’m a Very casual dark souls enjoyer I’ve not Completed any of the games repent to me For that if you really want to to go and Say about Ratchet and Clank being a real Next-gen experience it was much the same But in a more subtle way going into that Opening level and seeing the enormity of The castle it’s it’s the seemingly Infinite little details in the Environments that really make Demon’s Souls as the mayor’s visit is and as Technically impressive as it is you can Feel the heft of the the weight of the Stones that you’re walking by the Dampness just make makes it feel like It’s full of history and then you’re Getting you know the colors popping with The fiery breath of dragons or the Visual dynamics of different regions That you’re going to like desert places And then the big castle that we talked About they’re rainy places it looks just So phenomenal on every level and then Again to talk about the subtleties of
This game the the tactics aren’t as Obvious as what you would get in Ratchet And Clank but it’s the way that your Sword would lightly clatter as you hit It off a wall or when you’re blocking Another enemy and you can feel in a way That the swoosh of your sword it added a Nice subtle weight to everything that You’ve done that really grounded the Whole experience even further as the Game where you die Lots the SSD was so Well appreciated it just really elevated The entire Souls like experience whilst Just looking incredible really really Incredible so that does mean that my Number one for today Is returnal it could not be returning For me and here’s why this game is one Of those that just greps you and doesn’t Let go the combat is is Stellar I mean I Don’t know why I expected any different From the developers of Resogun my first Ever Platinum but the rezo gun developer House Mark I I genuinely had a bit of a A worry when I found out that they were Making return on because I felt like is It too big is it too much of a state From these kind of smaller arcade Shuttles but I was so wrong because this Game just feels like such a cohesive Package everything in this game is just Working together so well whether that be The music or the visuals or the gameplay Or the story and it all kind of feels
Like elevated art in some way because You’re playing this seemingly simple Story about an astronaut stranded on a Planet and then you start to wonder is She actually stuck in a planet is this All in her head are these creatures that You’re fighting manifestations of like Her past trauma and when you start to Consider that and it sort of like pills You into its mystery bit by bit but then To get further into that mystery you’re Having to fully immerse yourself in this Lightning quick combat where it’s just a Kaleidoscope of colors fighting these Bioluminescent creatures with weird and Wonderful guns that completely change Your playstyle depending on which ones You pick and the fact that it has Haptics to work into the guns where your Half pressing triggers to reach Alternate fire modes and I have to take A moment to talk about the Aesthetics of This game it has given me major Prometheus Vibes and that’s always a Major up for me I love the look of this It just makes you want to go to the Deeper and darker places of arthropos it Looks fantastic and it’s lightning quick I mean the the loading things in this Are insane it was such a cool next-gen Experience and to give a shout out to One of the levels that completely won me Over I think it’s maybe the third boss You’re working your way up this sort of
Spiral tower all the while you’re Hearing a crescendo of organ music and You finally get to the talk to discover That the boss you have been ascending Towards is the one playing the organ Music and they continue to do so as You’re fighting them I don’t even quite Know how to put into words how Much it impressed me and how much I was Loving like it was a game I was playing With a massive smile on my face well my Eyes were wired to the screen But that has been my ranking of every PlayStation 5 exclusive I’d love to know What yours are let me know your orders Down in the comments below I know There’s got to be one of you out there That has a destruction All-Stars as your Number one but thank you everyone for Watching as always if you liked the Video consider leaving a like and if you Would like to see more PlayStation Content like this then maybe subscribe To the channel and I’ll catch you right Back here on push Square see ya