Ian Higton is back with more Dragon’s Dogma 2 gameplay in this Dragon’s Dogma 2 PS5 Gameplay Preview where he explores in and around the beastren kingdom of Bahtahl and tries out two new vocations, the Mystic Spearhand and the Magick Archer, both of which are available only to the Arisen. In this Dragon’s Dogma II gameplay video Ian showcases as many of these Vocation’s unique weapon skills as he was able to try out during his Dragon’s Dogma 2 preview hands-on so that you can see exactly what is possible if you choose to imbue your Arisen with these powers.

00:00 – Intro
01:05 – Bonus Amazing Cookery Footage!
02:05 – Magick Archer Section – Frosthunter Bolt
02:49 – Candescent Orb
03:26 – Ricochet Seeker
04:25 – Flamefang Arrow
05:11 – Hailstone Bolt
06:16 – Remedy Arrow
07:05 – Mystic Spearhand Section – Dragoun’s Foin
07:39 – Seching Storm
08:20 – Humble Offringe
08:56 – Skiedragoun’s Fangtooth
09:41 – Mirour Vesture
10:21 – Redoubted Bolt
11:27 – Outro And Pawn Bullying

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Master hey all Ian from Euro gamer here Now the last time I covered Dragons Dogma 2 on this channel I showed off Some fairly General clips of gameplay That were mainly based around the wacky Mishaps that beell me as I wandered Around vermund this video will be much More focused though because for some Reason even after all of the insane Stuff that I got up to the last time I Played the game Capcom still invited me Back to play more Dragon’s Dogma 2 this Time I explored in and around the bean Kingdom of batal where I got to try out Two new vocations the Mystic spear hand And the magic Archer both of which are Available only to the Arisen in this Video I’ll be showcasing as many of These vocations unique weapon skills as I was able to try out during my Hands-On Time so that you can see exactly what is Possible if you choose to imbue your Arison with these Powers goodbye World but before I do any of that I Quickly need to show you this incredible Cooking footage that I captured while Playing set up a tent next to any old Campfire that you find and you’ll not Only be able to adjust your arisen’s Weapon skills but if you have any you’ll Be able to grill meat too grilling meat Will boost your character stats for a Certain amount of time which is great

And all but it’s nothing compared to the Meat grilling animation that plays out I Mean I’m not even sure if that is an Animation I I think that might actually Be real filmed footage of meat grilling What do you think either way I really Shouldn’t have edited this video on a Fast day because watching that just made Me feel very hungry Indeed well we’ve eaten our fill what Say we settle our stomachs with a few Hours sleep good sleep is the key to a Good Adventure well done so let’s look at the Magic Archer first who excels in Long Range combat so this vocation may not be Suited to those of you who love Clambering all over some of the bigger Foes in the game instead you’ll want to Hang back and deal damage from a Distance and one of the best ways to do This is with the frost Hunter bolt which Not only hurts your enemies but also Builds up a freezer effect on them Allowing your close range porns to whale On them while they’re chilling Out poison Ur with all few Ha open your eyes everyone it is dark Out but our day begins night time in Dragon’s Dogma 2 gets dark like really Dark but if you have the candescent orb Skill selected you can fire your own Personal flares into the environment in Order to light up your life and Find A

Way Forward don’t rely on this one for Combat situations as it’s pretty hard to Land a hit with it but for stopping you From falling off a cliff and into deadly Deep water well it’s Invaluable materials Eh I Shan Den they have their Uses I didn’t get to use the Ricochet SE It too much as it’s only really useful When you’re in caves due to the way it Bounces around but I wish I could have Used it more because visually this is One of the coolest skills in the entire Game freshly rested as we are this Battle ought to be in our favor we must Not let down our Guard in the one little area I found to Use it this attack ricocheted off the Walls and the more it did so the more it Increased in power so if you fire one of These off in cramped quarters you’ll Basically wipe out anything that stands In your Way I Grant Your Weapon a magical Boom The flame Fang Arrow was one of my Favorite weapon skills to use for the Magic Archer because it allowed me to Control a magical flame Arrow as it flew Through the air thanks to the large area Of effect caused by the arrows explosion The skill was great for taking down Clusters of Airborne enemies like these Two harpies Here but it’s also really useful for

Hitting distant enemies or nailing those Hard to reach weak Spots We are none of us alike in vocation one Should think we’ll be able to counter Whatever comes our way each to their Own here we go again at first glance the Hailstone bolt here seems like a bit of A rubbish skill for an Archer after a Lengthy charge time all it does is fire A big lump ofce in a fairly short Arc Which means it’s slow and you have to be A lot closer to your target than with The other skills but don’t discount it Yet because the solid damage it does When it hits is super powerful and it Was the only weapon skill I had in my Arsenal that allowed me to deal damage To these magic immune Golems every other Attack merely tickled them but hitting Their weak spots with a massive chunk of Frozen water absolutely pummeled their Health barast I’ve grabed to go B risen are you all Right I’m safe thank You the magic Archer isn’t just a good Vocation for those who like to deal Damage at long range because with the Remed Arrow skill selected players can Also revive Fallen allies from a Distance which is great if your Pal’s Lifeless body is lying in the middle of A scrum of enemies in order for the Remedy Arrow to work effectively you’ll

First need to lock onto your Target and Then wait until the circular bar Completely fills before firing now this Though and as soon as the arrow hits Your porn will instantly pop up and Resume the Battle we best prepare ourselves for a Prolonged this thank you Master if you love climbing up your Enemies and then stabbing them in the Face the duo spear wielding Mystic spear Hand vocation will be a much better fit For your play style than the magic Archer The Mystic spear hand is actually A really good Fighter for all Rangers Though as skills like the dragon spin Here will allow you to dash towards Targets and get up close and personal With them in an [Music] Instant the suching storm skill here is One that I never really found time to Master probably because I chose to use It in the worst possible moment ever and That moment was when I decided to pick a Fight with a Dragon What this skill does is summon four Small blades which then automatically Fly towards your target something that Is probably great against singular Smaller foes but against this Dragon Here well I expect I’d do more damage by Flicking Bogies at a

Wall fancy having Force powers in Dragon’s Dogma 2 well with humble off Ringe you can force throw items of Scenery dead bodies and even weakened Foes at other enemies it does a fair Amount of damage when these things hit And you can easily wipe out smaller Targets with one throw but I just mainly Use this one because it looks coolest [Music] F let my Magics gr you an elemental Food Our B be thrown off B if you’re Surrounded by enemies and need something That will help you beat off the Competition try activating the Sky Dragon fang tooth Attack this will shoot your Mystic spear Hand into the air where they will then Plunge their Duo spear downwards at high Speed for a nice spot of area of effect Damage as a bonus this skill also acts As a kind of makeshift Parry move as it Will inflict greater harm if you time it Well and use it to evade a target’s Attack well done Master I Miscalculated the Mystic spear hand Isn’t just an offensive class though They also have the mirror vesture weapon Skill which allows them to cast a Magical barrier around themselves and Any nearby allies too this barrier only Lasts a short amount of time but it does

Basically nullify all incoming damage so It’s really useful to cast when you’ve Done something incredibly stupid like Attacking a bloody Great Dragon why do Why did I keep doing that I I I attacked The same dragon three Times I suppose we might as well gather What we Can This final Mystics beand skill isn’t a Weapon skill but I feel like it’s worth Pointing out because if you can nail the Timing for beding bolt is a really Awesome move to pull off charge up red Outed bolt by holding R1 and once it’s Finished it will become something called A fedding bolt fire that at a Target and If you press jump at the exact moment Your target flashes blue you will Teleport to that enemy’s location within The blink of an arm Combine this with a cheeky grab and You’ll be able to go from standing in The field to stabbing an enemy in the Head before said enemy even feels the Blade going [Music] In our be knocked off balance I suppose We might as well gather what we can So there we go I hope you enjoyed this Little Dragon’s Dogma 2 deep dive if you Did please do give it a like subscribe To Euro gamer for almost daily videos About video games and come back in the

Future for more Dragon’s Dogma 2 Coverage now to play you out and give You something to look at while you Decide which of the upcoming onscreen Videos to click on here’s some footage Of me throwing my pawns off of a cliff You’re Welcome oi come back here mie you can’t Hide through me I know you don’t want to But you’re going over just like the Others come on yes that’s it I got you All right here we go I’m going to get You throw out you can’t you see you try To escape the in you can’t escape the In bye

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