30+ Tips and Tricks to Win in Splatoon 3 on Switch

30+ Tips and Tricks to Win in Splatoon 3 on Switch

30+ Tips and Tricks to Win in Splatoon 3 on Switch

Hey everyone felix from nintendo live Here and today we’re here to look at Some tips and tricks to help you improve Your game in splatoon 3 because We know a lot of people will be coming Over from splatoon 2 and there will of Course also be some tips for you guys But there’s also you know tips and Tricks for people who have just not Played splatoon before so um without Further ado let’s just jump right into It The first thing is that if you’re new to This game play the single player Campaign because it just teaches you a Lot of the basics it forces you to use a Lot of weapons that you might never have Considered using and it’s just a super Fun well i wouldn’t say a tutorial but Some places act a bit like it like there Are some levels where you have to snipe Using the certain sniper or you can only Use a certain amount of ink so you need To learn about ink preservations and all That stuff and if you are experienced There’s still a lot of fun to be had in The single player so yeah just jump into The single player it’s just a super fun Experience The second tip is that this game offers Two Methods of controlling your inkling or Octoling and that is with your stick or With motion controls and if you’re able

To you should switch over to motion Controls it might be daunting at first And if you don’t like motion controls or Just are used to the stick it’s just Really hard to get used to but your game Will improve so much it’s just your Accuracy for like aiming opponents is so High using the gyroscope in your Controllers and what i did is that i Switched it up to maximum sensitivity Because i like to move as little as Possible to be able to like get around As much as possible from my view angle i Don’t know if that explained it properly But that can of course be too much with Certain weapons and luckily in splatoon 3 you can assign certain sensitivity Options to certain weapons like you can Have five different loadouts and it Could be that you really like sniping With a low sensitivity so you could have A loadout with you know a sniper and Then a low sensitivity all in all just Switch to motion controls if you’re able To The third tip might be obvious but Ink your base it cannot be stressed how Many people just forget to do this and It’s it’s really important because i’ve Had matches where the opposing team had Much more ink in our area but because They forgot to ink their base We won the match and that actually leads Perfectly into the fourth tip is that

Let’s say you really want to ink that Bass but the enemy is just pushing on And you don’t want them to advance too Far so use your secondaries you know Your fizzy bombs sprinklers whatever Just throw it at an un inked area in Your base and that way you still get to Push towards your enemy but still ink a Bit of your base so you know it’s a Win-win the fifth tip is that recon mode Is a great way to familiarize yourself With the new stages but also the Different modes you know splat zones Tower control clan blitz rainmaker if You’re new to this i’m thinking What is he talking about well i’ll get Into some tips about those modes later But just know that they’re there you run Around just by yourself in this recon Mode but then you can like explore Freely what the different stages do what Some good positions to take when the Enemy is approaching or in the different Modes you can maybe find a good route if For example the rainmaker and see how The new checkpoint system works because Now instead of just going directly with Your rainmaker you have to go to one of Two checkpoints and it just works a Little bit differently so if you’re Coming from splatoon 2 i’m just you know I’m not sure how things quite work go Into recon mode it’s gonna be a very Good friend of yours

The sixth tip is just when you respawn Check on the map real quick which places Needs to be inked which places are the Enemy pushing and you know go there and Help out the team as much as you can Especially when starting this game at Least in my instance i just kind of Forgot that there was even a map i Didn’t use it at all but when i started Using it it just really helped like Having a better understanding of how the Game was going and where needed to go so Just remember to use your map and when Respawning is a great opportunity to do So and the next tip is just remember to Use the two new moves that are Introduced here in splatoon 3 you know The squid surge and the squid roll when I played the demo splatfest i totally Forgot to use these and it was only when I started playing the single player and You know they really told you how to use These that it just kind of clicked the Squid search can be a bit hard to Understand at first but when you get the Hang of it you just hold down the b Button and then when you see your squid Come out of the ink you just you know go Up you don’t have to do anything and if You wait long enough and it does a Little Then well it goes even faster and you Like throw back yeah and the second move Is well the squid roll and this is like

If you’re going in one direction then You can like flick the stick and jump And then you like And when you do this you also have some Invincibility frames which is just you Know it’s always a win and a thing the Game doesn’t really tell you is that you Can squid roll off walls like you’re Going up level one and suddenly you’re Back on the ground it can be You know not the quickest way to do it But it’s certainly nice to have and it Just adds even more variety to your Moveset the eighth tip is that you don’t Always need to go into action it’s okay To just sometimes sit still dive into The ink and refill your ink tank go Around and spray some areas that aren’t As crowded to charge your special before Going into action and if the action gets Too heavy well don’t be afraid to Retreat it’s nothing to be ashamed of And sometimes it can even be more Beneficial because It will just take more time for you to Respawn and get back to that point than If you just would retreat so don’t be Afraid to be defensive that’s just all I’m saying And the 9th tip actually correlates a Lot with the eighth and that is like if You’re not confident in the one-on-ones Because in the stuff that can be very Daunting and a bit hard it’s okay to

Stay close to your teammates and go out Battling together and like if you just Respond and you know your friend is just On the way it’s okay to just wait on Them so you can go together because you Know two satisfies are better than one And then you can just go out spatting Together and win that game Hopefully The next tip is don’t just choose your Weapon based on the weapon itself Secondaries and even specials Really shouldn’t be overlooked let’s Start with looking at the specials Because they will drastically change how Your like style of play will take place Let’s say you have the newly introduced Tactical in well you place it and then All of the teammates can grab a drink And then they’re really fast squidding Around and if they die with effect still Taking place well that’s an instant Revive you also have the reef slide when You like slide in on the shark and make A big explosion or the ink back where You can suck up enemies ink and then Shoot it back at them there’s a lot of Specials that all do very different Things and before we move on let’s also Talk a bit about the sub weapons for Example the fizzy bomb if you just throw It like a regular bomb just you know Press the button it does a little Explosion nothing very exciting but if

You hold down the bottom you will start Shaking that bomb and it will do little Click so it will explode two times and If you hold down the button even more it Will do another click so when you throw That it will explode three times so it’s Like you can just use it as a small bump In needy situations but if you can see You have a bit more time you can hold it Down and then you get more explosions Out of it but you also have stuff like a Burst bomb suction bomb torpedo or ink Mine there’s a lot of these and while They don’t affect as much as you know The specials it’s still really important To look at when you choose your weapon Staying on the topic of weapons Let’s say you want to try out these Weapons before you use your well-earned Sheldon licenses well with just a button Press when you’re in the weapon shop if You press while you get into like a Testing range with that set weapon so You can try it out and see how the Different specials work how the Secondaries work but then you can also See the range of your weapons and There’s even small targets you can shoot At and it displays the amount of damage It does it’s a great way to decide which Weapons you want to get and even if you Don’t want to get it just to like get an Understanding of what the different Types of weapon does the 12th tip is

That super jumping well it’s not always The best option jumping to a teammate in Combat will most likely then not result In you dying so like have a good view And the map and look does this look safe Can i jump there is there any enemies Nearby because if they are they can just Actually see where you land and well That can really only be prevented with Using an item on your clothes and i’ll Talk about clothes in a bit and Similarly if a teammate jumps to you Just do everything in your power to keep Them safe because they as i said many Times now very vulnerable when doing so So if you’ve gone into turf war battles You might have seen merch and match is a Dude who sits outside of like the lobby Merch can change the ability on your Gear now i will not go into full detail Because the game does a good job in Explaining but Simplifying it merge can change the Abilities on your clothes and make it Even more tailored for your needs you Know giving it certain buffs that will Help you win in combat and talking about Buffs you can also buff yourself with Nice little bonuses with food and you Find this little cantina inside the Training area just before entering a Match you have to have certain tickets To redeem certain food but this food Will just up let’s say oh you get double

Experience for the next 20 matches and There’s even some buffs that affect the Whole team so just check it out because It will help you you know level up much Faster and again the game explains it to You but i just wanted to mention it in Case you missed these things the 14th Tip is regarding gear we touched lightly Upon it just before And well it’s important to look fresh But the abilities are much more Important for winning games if you’re New to this game and don’t know which Abilities you would want we’d recommend You know primary ink saver enemy ink Resistance and special charge up swim Speed is also tremendous to get out of Danger and one of my personal favorites Is ninja squid which basically when you Swim around in ink it doesn’t splash Around you can still see a little bit Where you’re going but it’s really good For sneaking up on enemies and i just Love surprising my opponents with it so Don’t always think how cool things looks Because when you get into this game that Might be your mindset of it all look What the game actually does before Equipping it and if you really want Certain pieces of clothes but they don’t Have the abilities you just want well go Talk to match as we talked about just Before and he can help you While getting rid of some abilities and

Replacing them with others And staying on the topic of clothing and Abilities it’s important to spread these Abilities out and whilst yes you can Stack these it varies how much they Actually help when they’re stacked what You want to know is that the big ones on The clothing are the ones that help the Most and then you have up to three sub Slots that you know they don’t help as Much as the big one but they can still Help quite a bit also keep in mind if You even need some of these buffs it Could be that you have a quick respawn But this is only really useful if you Don’t get any splats between dying let’s Say you’re a person that really likes Getting those splats well then this Won’t really help it let’s say you are Like a support that you just go around An inking and help the other characters To get splats then when you get Splattered you will respawn faster so Just keep that in mind when you’re like Planning out which abilities to equip This next tip is well maybe one of the Most important on the list and that is Ink over enemy ink when possible instead Of un-inked grounds and why is this well You’re getting certain points for inking Bunning crowns but when you ink over Enemy ink well not only do you get Points but you also take points away From your enemy so essentially it’s

Double points it’s very easy to not Think about this and just go and inking Uninked areas because you think oh well This is good for my team and well yes it Is good don’t get me wrong it is just as Important to ink enemy ink because that Just it gives you points and takes Points away from your enemy and that can In the end decide if you win or lose a Match the next tip well it can’t be Applied to everyone but if you can play Together with friends instead of randoms It will give you a broader understanding Of everything that’s going on in the Match if you hop on a discord call and Then you can like do call-outs and talk Tactics when i found some friends that i Could play with My enjoyment for this game just rose so Much higher because while playing with Randoms well yes it can be fun playing With friends is just so much more Enjoyable especially if you can like Fill out a full team of four players and It’s even better if the persons you play With are better than you because then They can tell oh you should do this Instead of that you know kind of mentor You if you’re new to this game and have Any friends that play splatoon well just Ask them if they want to help you out Maybe you know teach you a few tricks up Their sleeves it can help tremendously And it helped me become so much better

At this game so much faster i know again It’s not everyone who has the ability to Play with friends i for example didn’t Have anyone to play splatoon 2 with so i Know how it feels and you know no Worries if you can’t it’s still a very Enjoyable game but if you have the Ability to Just you know ask your friends to play With you it’s Yeah i’m just gonna go on to the next Tip And staying on the topic of you know Having friends that play splatoon if you Want a head start and you don’t have Split in two maybe you can ask a friend Out if you could just borrow their game And if you hop in the cartridge and get Past the tutorial of splatoon 2 then When you launch platoon 3 for the first Time you can import save data and you Know it will grant you a couple of Different things but most importantly it Will give you golden sheldon licenses And these can be used to get weapons Well before they are even unlocked and That’s super helpful if you just have One weapon that you really want to get But you can’t because you need to level Up and it will take a long time to get There so if you can well just ask that Friend out i’m sure they don’t mind you Know lending that game since well Splatoon 3 is out they’re probably

Playing that they’re not playing Splatoon 2 or maybe they are i won’t Judge you if you are let’s talk about Tips for anarchy battles which was Before known as ranks battles so let’s Start with a tip for one of the four Modes splat zones now the game tells you Fairly well how flat zones work but once You successfully capture the zone of an Enemy the enemy gets you know a penalty Timer on top so when they take back the Zone if they take back the zone they Have to go through that penalty before They can resume from where they left off And if the enemy is working through that Penalty timer don’t you don’t need to Rush in you can just take your time get Your specials up get your ink ready and Then rush in together when the whole Team is ready and take over that zone And win the match Let’s move on for tip and tower controls I’m sure a lot of people know this but The tower moves faster than more players Are on it but this can’t actually be a Double edged sword because let’s say You’re a lot of players up on this tiny Platform you’re very easily exposed to You know suction bombs blasters And just make sure when you do this that Most of the other team are not present You know you’ve inked them down because Then you can get some good distance down And even if there are other players

Around it’s a good tactic let’s say if You want to reach that checkpoint to Just you know all jump on it and reach That checkpoint yeah it’s just easy to Overlook and it can help tremendously For winning matches in this mode and a Little bonus tip for tower control is Just sometimes just relax sit back and When you ride that tower listen to this Beautiful little jingle Now let’s move on for some tips for Rainmaker the shoe exclusive ability ink Shredder is invaluable in this mode Because it does so that you can pop the Rainmaker much quicker and maybe catch The opposition off guard and get a Splatter to you from that explosion it’s Also just really good to quickly grab The rainmaker so if you’re big on Rainmaker just look a bit into that Ability so you can up your game just That tiny little bit And the second tip for rainmaker is that It can be really frustrating when you’re Going along paths that can be ink first And foremost you’re just really slow Walking with the rainmaker and there’s No ink to swim in so What do you do well let’s say you’re Going up an unlinkable path then you can Actually do small shots in the opposite Direction and the recoil will actually Be faster than walking itself it can be Really dangerous because you’re exposing

Your back with the rainmaker so enemies Can very easily hit you but let’s say You just you’d need to be just that Little bit quicker of this unanimous Path well shooting in the opposite Direction will do just the trick and now We’re moving on to tips for the last Mode in this anarchy battle section of The video and that is of course clan Blitz the first tip i have for you here Is if you have the super clam don’t just Rush in by yourself wait for your Teammates to have grabbed at least a few Clamps and then when you go there and You know throw the super clam and open The basket then they can also like shoot In and get a lot of points that you know We wouldn’t have gotten if i would just Have rushed it by myself and a second Tip for clamblitz is that don’t always Keep all the clamps to yourself because You can actually see how many clamps Your teammates has and with a small Button press on the a button you can Actually task those clamps to you know Your teammates and it’s a great way to Just move clamps around the map and in The end making a superclam and that Actually leads perfectly into the last Tip about clamblitz and that is don’t Always be too eager to get a superclam Because not only can the opposing team See where that superclam is But it’s much much smarter to you know

Wait and see maybe your teammate only Has nine clams and is near the goal then You throw that last clam tune so you can Open and then you get all those sweet Sweet points just be wary of when to get The super clam and get it at the right Time and now going from anarchy battle Tips let’s move on to salmon run tips Because we have a few bit of tips here That will make you an exceptional player Pun intended so a really useful tip is a Little visual indicator that shows you Where the tides are going to be because Before starting each round you get like A small animation behind that shows how High its height will be and i realized This Way too late and it was just like this Oh this is how you tell where the tights Are gonna be It might be very obvious to many people But for me it was just such a Mind-blowing experience to figure out This is how it works and i just hope That a lot of other people can get some Use out of this tip the next tip is Don’t just burn through all your Specials in wave one you want to save These for at least wave two or wave Three because things will get tougher The longer you go on and you will get an Extra special if you get the bonus king Salmonid but those are far and few in Between so just be wary of your specials

Because they can really come in clutch And potentially saving the entire game This tip is something to do with the Newly introduced you know egg throwing Mechanic and that is when you throw an Egg you actually generate a little bit Of splash around you potentially taking Out some small salmonids from behind in The process it’s a small little thing But it can really come in use if you use It at the right time like most small Tips can the next tip is remember to use The this way emotes when for example There’s a boss salmonid coming in or if There’s some golden eggs that are about To be stoned by some other salmonids of Course this can also be applied when you Play in you know regular turf battles Because maybe you want this teammate to Come over here then you can just you Know also use that that’s what they’re There for but we feel that it especially Comes in hand in salmon run and the last Tip for salmon run is just remember to Be polite when you get revived give them A little booyah and you might get one Back and when you eventually win those Rounds squid backing together as a team Is even more polite and that was all the Tips so i want to move on to Well would you look at that it’s the Last tip of this video and it’s a very Broad tip but it’s still very important If you feel that you’re not very good in

This game well Practice makes perfect well maybe not Perfect but at least better practice Makes better yeah i like the sound of That if you want to get really good at a Special weapon well just use that weapon A lot and if it isn’t working out well Don’t be afraid to drop it and just Choose another weapon the same goes for The specials and the secondaries and When i say practice i don’t mean like Going to training area and just sit There shooting at targets well yes that Can be beneficial but just play the game You get so much experience of just Playing the game and you get better over Time the more you play if you feel that You’ve plateaued a bit and i don’t feel Like i’m getting any better well luckily Splatoon 3 lets you look at the replays Of your matches so you can look at what You’re doing then it’s much easier to Spot mistakes you’re doing in replays or Maybe you can get a friend in to you Know just tell you what you’re doing Wrong and what you can improve on that At least for me helped me improve so Much my game yeah just play the game and You will get better eventually And that ladies and gentlemen was the 30 Plus splatoon 3 tips i had for you today If you like this video why don’t you go Over and ink that subscribe button 30 Plus times

That’s a lot of inking and don’t forget To check out our website Nintendolife.com for all sorts of Nintendo related content were any of These tips helpful well let us know down In the comments below and while you’re Down there type some of your own tips That i maybe just overlooked because Then people going down there might find Some actual game changes that will help Them become the best of the best but That was everything from me stay safe Play some splatoon 3 Felix from nintendo live Out

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