21 Best Nintendo Switch Games 2023-2024 (Year 7)

21 Best Nintendo Switch Games 2023-2024 (Year 7)

2024 is here, and 2023 has gone bye-bye, but there’s so many wonderful games that the Switch’s SEVENTH year brought us. Let’s have a nosey at 21 of them, shall we?

We Love Katamari: REROLL Review: https://www.nintendolife.com/reviews/switch-eshop/we-love-katamari-reroll-plus-royal-reverie
Persona 5 Tactica Review: https://youtu.be/K82w0xtc_8U
Pentiment Review: https://youtu.be/od1TOBPMAIg
Quake II Review: https://youtu.be/01-7tDYvq90
qomp2 Review: https://www.nintendolife.com/reviews/switch-eshop/qomp2
Sea of Stars Review: https://youtu.be/Ywfw6WJQLKY
Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp Review: https://youtu.be/rJ1tGazljfw
Pocket Card Jockey: Ride On! Review: https://www.nintendolife.com/reviews/switch-eshop/pocket-card-jockey-ride-on
Outer Wilds Review: https://youtu.be/FoECCmNv9D0
Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown Review: https://youtu.be/m8kT8PZpA4I
Blasphemous 2 Review: https://youtu.be/ZJ_p0Z9_G4g
Pikmin 4 Review: https://youtu.be/AsYPINDc4Aw
Super Mario RPG Review: https://youtu.be/8PQbCR_5j_Q
Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective Review: https://youtu.be/ZZekAuMUUcU
Cocoon Review: https://youtu.be/UOl3180_J3A
Vampire Survivors Review: https://youtu.be/72W-PaWmxTI
F-Zero 99 Review: https://youtu.be/1ZTjLQNDCP8
Dave the Diver Review: https://www.nintendolife.com/reviews/switch-eshop/dave-the-diver
Pikmin 1+2 Review: https://youtu.be/91Uq8Md-Egc
Super Mario Bros. Wonder Review: https://youtu.be/MjdXHwRDqMw
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Review: https://youtu.be/5VNLcGb4n_E

00:00 Intro
00:43 We Love Katamari: REROLL
01:26 Persona 5 Tactica
02:08 Pentiment
02:51 Quake II
03:46 qomp2
04:21 Sea of Stars
05:06 Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp
06:03 Pocket Card Jockey: Ride On!
06:41 Outer Wilds
07:33 Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown
08:26 Blasphemous 2
09:40 Pikmin 4
10:55 Super Mario RPG
12:02 Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective
12:39 Cocoon
13:35 Vampire Survivors
14:14 F-Zero 99
15:03 Dave the Diver
15:49 Pikmin 1+2
16:44 Super Mario Bros. Wonder
17:39 The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
18:45 Outro

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#NintendoSwitch #BestSwitchGames #Switch

Hello there lovely people Alex from Nintendo life here and I’m sorry to do This to you but the Nintendo switch is Now 7 years old it’s been a bleeding Long time to say the least and to Celebrate we’re going to take you Through what we believe to be the finest Games that have come out in the switch’s Seventh year so that’s any time between This time and date and this time and Date so that means not you not you not You you shouldn’t even be here and to Make things Al simpler for me we’re Going to do this in no particular order I’ve got the list right here and I’m Going to randomize it Now there’s the list but anyway that’s More than enough waffling let’s Dive Right into Things starting things off we have we Love Katamari reroll Plus Royal Ry and I Love we love Katamari roll Plus Royal Ry This game is off the- wall unexpected Does some ridiculous stuff but it’s just An incredibly good time your objective Is to roll things around and make your Katamari bigger and sometimes it’s a Person who wants to gain weight to Become a sumo champ sometimes you need To create just like a big ball of sweets It’s um it’s not consistent but it’s Consistently fun this is an easy entry On this list plus you got the Royal rry Stuff and that is also good if a little

Bit short but it doesn’t mean that the Base game isn’t still absolutely Fantastic moving on we have Persona 5 Tactica the only instance where I agree With a Chibi art style because yes it is Easier to see the characters Persona 5 Is an incredible game and although this Isn’t that it is distinctly its own Spin-off it’s hugely enjoyable and it’s Got masses of replayability if you Hadn’t guessed from the title and from Seeing what’s on the screen it’s a Tactics game who’ have thought it it Bears quite a lot of parallels with Stuff like Mario versus rabids Kingdom Battle and Sparks of Hope and all that Sort of thing which means if the tactics Genre usually puts you off this should Be a little bit more accessible for you It’s no Final Fantasy Tactics it’s a lot More accessible and it’s got a killer Soundtrack what more could you want Moving on we have the Nintendo Direct Surprise reveal yes it’s pentant you Ever fancied solving a murder mystery in A Bavarian art style because well that’s What this game is it appears very simple On the face of it but the more you get Into this game the more that things Start to Blossom and evolve and you’ll See an incredible amount of World Building here as well the 16 Century Bavarian art style isn’t just for show Either it actually feeds back into the

Game play in some interesting and clever Ways the writing is ultra sharp Performance is perfect in handheld and In docked mode there’s basically nothing To dislike about this game apart from Well uh PJ complained about the maps That’s something but apart from that Faultless next up we have Quake 2 the Sequel to Quake this is the Quintessential Boomer shooter when it Was a new game back back in the ’90s it Evolved what Doom had set in place and Brought everything screaming into the Third dimension cuz yeah if you didn’t Know the original Doom technically not a 3D game weird and what we have on switch Is a perfect version of the classic game But more than that it comes with a whole Host of additional lovely goodness You’ve got online multiplayer you’ve got New campaigns and it’s the new campaigns That are a real highlight for me cuz They really show what you can do with a Game like quake and end up playing Things in ways that you never would have Anticipated it even includes the Playable demo from when it was first Revealed which is just mindboggling it’s Incredible for video game preservation And even if you feel you can’t quite Look past the dated Graphics I implore You to give it a go anyway I am very Certain you won’t be disappointed moving On we have quum 2 which answers the

Question that we’ve all had over the Years what would happen if the ball from Pong escaped and I’ve got to be honest That concept alone is enough to sell me On this game I mean it’s just so so Simple so you know sort of oh what if it Escape but it ends up being this Wonderful Dynamic experience as a result It’s it’s so wonderful when a simple Idea manages to blossom into something So substantial and so lovely it may not Be for everyone but if you’re into that Older style of gameplay I’m sure you’ll Find plenty to love Here next up we have sea of stars now There’s loads of other games out there That are trying to revitalize the Term-based RPG genre and many of them Are succeeding but I don’t think any Have succeeded quite as well as sea of Stars interestingly this is a follow-up Of well technically kind of a prequel to A game called the messenger which you Wouldn’t necessarily immediately know And you’d be forgiven for not knowing But it plays nothing like the messenger At all which you probably could have got From the fact that it’s a turn-based RPG Game just ask anyone who’s played it Though this game is an absolute Triumph It’s gorgeous the gameplay is delicious And sort of again simple but really Effective there’s so much to love here If you’re into your turn-based RPGs

You’ve got to give this one a go moving On we have Advanced Wars 1l 2 reboot Camp which is an irritatingly long name But the game’s good this is a super Faithful Recreation of the original Advanced Wars and Advanced Wars 2 which Are arguably the best games in the Series the series which I think Technically started with famicom Wars It’s um it’s complicated it’s all too Easy for these remakes to lean too Heavily on the original art style or to Try and sort of bring things too much up To date but I think they’ve managed to Absolutely nail it with this one you Know it’s worked well when you look at It and you go hey isn’t that always how It looked and then you go back and look At the original and you go oh no it was About a tenth the resolution technically This is tactical turn-based RPG gameplay But it’s also as much as anything kind Of a puzzle game you got to survey the Land you got to know how to use your Units and get the most out of them that You can because they’re often limited And you’ve got got to know when to use The power of money which is always next In line we have pocket card jockey Rideon a re-release of pocket card Jockey that was originally stuck on the 3DS and now it’s on switch and you can Tell it was designed for a touchcreen But that does not work against it this

Is still a fantastic game and do you Know what it is at its core it’s Flipping solitire how did they manage to Make solitire this exciting you got to Maintain your stamina you got to get Your horse in the right position you got The mad rush at the end and all the While you’re going to be playing Solitire it doesn’t sound great but Honestly in practice it is utterly Utterly addictive and it was made by Game Freak so you see they can make good Games next up we have outer wilds and I Apologize in advance if I ever refer to It as the outer Wilds this is a game Where you got to explore a solar system In order to break a Time Loop that keeps Happening over and over again I mean That’s kind of expected for a Time Loop And it is finally on switch it was Announced bloody years ago and then we Heard nothing nothing nothing and then Suddenly BL it’s out on switch that was A fun surprise what I love about this Game is that the game just hands Everything to you and says you work it Out and yet it’s still not difficult to Get into that’s a really hard thing to Get right it has to be said that Performance is not perfect on switch and If you got other consoles then that may Be a preference for you but if switches All you’ve got you’re still going to get The full out of Wilds experience here

Nothing’s been taken out it’s the whole Thing right here right now go and play It next up we have Prince of Persia the Lost Crown now I was originally a little Bit dubious about this because I don’t Wish to be rude it’s an Ubisoft game and I’ve been burnt in the past but not this Time this game is fantastic if you like Your Metroid vanas you are going to have So much to love here it is so classic in So many ways and it can also be really Flipping hard and this is a game that Has custom difficulty and that is Something that I always love love Because sometimes I don’t want the full Like maximum difficulty but I also don’t Want the medium difficulty so I like to Pick and choose so uh top marks there Even though all the dialogue can be a Little bit iffy here and there I love The design of Sargon and the way that he Moves and everything it’s just a really Satisfying game to play and fantastic if You’re looking for a bit of challenge You know 2D games Aren’t Dead this Proves it as do so many others my God They’re not dead next up um this also Proves that 2D games aren’t dead Blasphemous too um this is another Metroid Vania but Metroid vanas are good I won’t hear a word against them and This one deserves special praise because Depending on what weapon you take at the Start that can affect how you go through

Big chunks of the game doesn’t change Everything obviously that would be mad But the different weapons at your Disposal allow you to do different Things and so the one that you choose at The start really affects how you go Through the game and affects how you Have to solve various challenges it’s Really nice and then but don’t worry you Get the other weapons later on it’s all Good it’s tough though it really is I Mean it’s fairly generous with things Like checkpoints as long as you remember To use them cuz you got to do that the Checkpoints are very similar to the Bonfires and Dark Souls so you can rest There get all your health back but oh no All the enemies are back it’s it’s Standard but it works its visuals are Gorgeous as well there there’s just so Much to love about this game I need to Go back and complete it I’ve done most Of it I just haven’t completed it maybe I’ll do that tonight oh wow wow you’re Just over halfway through the video it’s A biggie isn’t it lot to take in use This opportunity to have a small break Or if you’re mad or just impatient stick Around we’re going to do the rest Now Pikman 4 I cannot believe the Nintendo managed to turn around what is Now the best game in the Pikmin series After I’ve been so hellbent on saying That the first one’s the best I can’t in

Good conscience say that anymore because This this is fantastic taking everything That I’ve Loved about the Pikmin Franchise and adding in Ochi a dog that I thought was going to be overpowered as Hell but no no no no no you need Ochi my Friend you need Ochi when you get to Some of those later challenges but what Challenge it’s so satisfying to have in A game like this and yeah when you get It down you know sort of you can kind of Breeze through some things and I Emphasiz on some things but the way this Game tests you in so many different ways Is just so rewarding and it’s gorgeous And the new camera perspective is Weirdly like I wouldn’t have thought That that would work but it does it Works brilliantly and you got the new Pikmin as well you you got the ice Pigment which are fun you got the glow Pigment as well which really change up How you do things and use them on night Expeditions oh oh it’s just there’s so Much to this game you would not expect This game to be this big but it is can’t Sing its Praises enough Pikmin 4 Yeah oh another fantastic one we’ve got Super Mario RPG what what am I talking About all the games on this list are Fantastic I’d only ever really played The original Super Mario RPG super Briefly I think on the Wii U I want to Say but I’m not 100% sure about that but

This now is easily the way to play it For me and what a game in some ways I Mean it’s aged quite a lot but in other Ways some of the design and everything Is still so solid even though it’s Technically aged it works so well it Doesn’t matter all in all it’s just a Good fun RPG that isn’t too long and That’s very good for me these days but More than that it’s got all these little Details as well these little things that Just make it pop and really really Special things like the fact that Mario Doesn’t say a word so that when people Talk to him he just acts out what’s Happened and everyone seems to get it Straight away I mean it’s oh it’s it’s Kind of a limitation of the time I mean Not they could have just given him a Text box but that’s nowhere near as much Fun it’s just a delight it looks Fantastic it has a few little drops here And there in terms of performance but Nothing that ruins the experience gimme Gimme gimme next up we have Ghost Trick Phantom detective and I’m going to Slightly annoys some people I’m afraid When I say that I can’t really talk About this one that much i’ I’ve had to Do this before when mentioning it in Videos because the best way to play this Game is to go in as blind as possible And I don’t want to take that experience Away from you it’s an old DS game that

They’ve souped up to be on switch and as A result it’s got big black bars but They kind of need to be there and it’s Got a these puzzles um I’m really trying Not to say more if what you’ve seen of The gameplay intrigues you I encourage You to pick this up that is all I’m Going to say on the matter next up we Have cocoon now this is a puzzle game That broke my brain in many ways it’s a Very lowkey game allowing you to take on The puzzles in your own way in your own Time but at the same time you’re going To have to do some serious lateral Thinking in order to get out of the Various situations you find yourself in You have these all right and you can Carry them around and then you can set Them down in these pedestals and then You can dive in and there’s a whole World in there and you can take orbs Into the world so you can carry worlds Within worlds and sometimes you can find Another way to enter a world so you can Carry a world into itself And it is amazing though there there is No text in the game apart from the title Screen and the pause menu that that’s The only text and I suppose the credits The game just presents everything to you So naturally it is entirely show don’t Tell and that is very difficult to do And it does it perfectly next up we have Vampire survivors the simple simple game

That nobody can put down this is Technically a Rog likee but Realistically it’s more of a sort of a Time Vampire if you start playing this Game you will not be putting it down but You will have an enormous smile on your Face so that’s always a bonus more Importantly it’s even better with Friends as well maybe it depends on how Uh how nice your friends are and how Well you get along with them but even so It has the potential the game can Struggle on switch a little bit when Things get really hectic but by that Point a lot of the visual information is Noise anyway so you’ll be Okay F99 it makes so much sense when you say It out loud but I didn’t know I wanted This at first the idea of playing f-z With 98 other players sounds like Absolute hell but due to the little Tweaks and changes they’ve done in order To make it work with that number of People this ends up being one of the Best mass multiplayer games available on Switch it is just it is just spectacular Unfortunately it’s not as populated as It used to be maybe this video will give It a a bit of Pep maybe that’ll be good But recent updates to the game have Brought in new game modes that don’t Necessarily require 99 players which is Only a good better yet it’s free if you

Have Nintendo switch online so if you’ve Got Nintendo switch online download this Immediately or I’ll come around your House and stamp on all your toys next up We have Dave the diver now if you’ve got An entrepreneurial Spirit about you um Maybe maybe don’t play this game because I swear you’re everybody’s bloody dog’s Body you know you got to go down you got To catch fish in order to make sushi oh You’re not doing the sushi it’s like the One thing you don’t do but then they Expect you to serve all the customers And do all the odd jobs and everything Like that and you know what it’s an Absolute Delight there is so much to This game it’s almost a little bit Overwhelming and better yet there is a Demo available on switch as well in fact That’s what you’re looking at right now All of this in the demo there’s only one Price better than free when it comes to Video games and that’s being paid to Talk about them but I’m afraid I’ve got That all wrapped up so just download This one instead oh we’re getting Towards the end now and I was slightly Bending the rules here Pigman one plus Two technically they’re two games but Technically I don’t care I adore the First Pikmin game something rotten the Only reason I haven’t played it more Throughout my life is because it’s kind Of been stuck on the GameCube and Wii

And I’m I’m going to be controversial Here I don’t like the Wii controls I’m Sorry I just don’t but now it’s on the Switch and it works beautifully and okay Yeah it’s technically a bit of a basic Port but you know what I don’t care I Just don’t care and you got Pikmin 2 Here as well which I’d never played Before it came to switch because it was Kind of rare well it wasn’t rare but you Know I never bought it I think that’s What I’m trying to say Pikmin 2 is a Very different game to the first one but It complement it beautifully and to have Them both available on switch is just Absolutely wonderful and you can get it Physical that’s that’s why it’s one Entry because it’s on the same cartridge There I Justified it oh yes it’s Super Mario Bros wonder you knew this one had To be here honestly after the slight Sort of tedium and boredom I had with The new Super Mario Bros Series this is The kind of breath of fresh air that I Never expected we would get always hoped But never really expected and certainly Not this generation don’t get me wrong It’s still a 2d Mario game through and Through they’re not you know breaking The mold or anything here but what a 2d Mario game my God the Wonder flowers add So much variety to the gameplay and at First you sort of think oh it’s just Sort of making things move about but no

No no no no you keep going and you will See some crazy stuff I don’t often get The chance to complete games to 100% These days but this game I did 100% I think 3 days after it came out But admittedly I did have a head start If you’ve ever enjoyed a 2d Mario game And you’ve got a switch get this game it Is as simple as That and finally what what did you Expect what did you expect of course the Legend of Zelda tears of the Kingdom my God what a game the buildup for this was So Monumental and I know that there are Some people who think the breath of the Wild is better maybe a purer experience Those people I don’t know whether you’ve Actually gone back to play breath of the World but now it just feels basic baby That was a bit rude tears of the kingdom Is one of the most inventive one of the Most original and just one of the most Downright lovely games I’ve ever played And yes it’s true breath of the wild was More revolutionary this is more Evolutionary but you know what what an Evolution the ultra hand The Depths the Return of Ganondorf it’s just so oh it’s Just so wonderful if you’ve been holding Out on this for whatever reason and Maybe you think it’s not a real Zelda Game or you know you prefer the old Linear style I say throw those ideas in The bin and give it a go I would be very

Very surprised if you were disappointed Unless you went in specifically to Disappoint yourself but then again I Can’t control that and there you have it Those are in our opinion the finest Games on the Nintendo switch that have Come out in its seventh year did we miss Something important is there a game that You absolutely love from the past 12 Months let us know with a comment down Below hello thank you so much for Watching if you like this video though Why don’t you have an existential crisis With that subscribe button trust me It’ll comfort you and be sure to check Out nintendolife.com for all sorts of Lovely Nintendo related content thank You again for watching [Music] Bye-bye About time they gave up on the OLED and Came out with a Nintendo switch old

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